Park Productions company logo
Established: Unknown
CEO: Eric Park
Whereabouts: Scotland
Workers: Eric Park
Has a nice collection of remake games on his website.

Worked on the Robocop games.

Robocop 2D Robocop 2D
Rating : [4.3]
Producers: Park Productions
"Meet Robocop - a cyborg created to stop crime, and bring peace to the streets of Detroit. However, there is much more to this cyborg than meets the eye."
Robocop 2D 2: Robocop vs. Terminator Robocop 2D 2: Robocop vs. Terminator
Rating : [4.6]
Producers: Park Productions
"Robocop is back once again. In this sequel to Robocop 2D, guide our crimefighting hero as he encounters an enemy he has never dealt with before. Who will survive this epic battle between these two warriors?"
Hard Streets Hard Streets
Rating : [3.7]
Producers: Park Productions
"Let fly the fists for glory and the good of mankind - stop the Viper Corporation and its army of goons!"

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