Crobasoft company logo
Established: Unknown
CEO: Johan "Wartagon" Hargne
Whereabouts: Stockholm, Sweden
Workers: Johan "Wartagon" Hargne, Matthew "Saven", Ricky "Liquixcat", Salim "Destroyer"
Crobasoft is a company that makes freeware games, consisting of a small crew of young makers. Although most of the crew are still in their teens, they've managed to make quite a few good games, so far.

Clouds Kingdom 3 Clouds Kingdom 3
Rating : [4.4]
Producers: Crobasoft
"You are Master Jikah, a seasoned ninja, and your quest is to wreak vengeance on your arch enemy Sinith Majoo. Armed with your trusty katana you must face your destiny in Clouds Kingdom 3."

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