Sebastian Wegner personal photo Sebastian Wegner
Age: Unknown
Nationality: German
Whereabouts: Germany
Social status: Unknown
Companies: None
From his homepage "McSebi is his online pseudonym: "Mc" for Mac and "Sebi" for Sebastian. He lives in Germany and works as a programmer. In 1996, he made his first game, Pac the Man. The game was bundled with a German Mac magazine. Since then, he made the popular Bub & Bob and MacDo. After the release of his latest project, Bub & Bob 2, Sebastian plans to create an ambitious video game..."

Bub's Brothers, The Bub's Brothers, The
Rating : [3.5]
Producers: Sebastian Wegner, Armin Rigo
"Experience the golden classic Bubble Bobble renewed with as many as 9 Bub Brothers."

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