Jason Boettcher personal photo Jason Boettcher
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Australian
Whereabouts: Australia
Social status: N/A
Companies: None
Websites: http://lieroxtreme.thegaminguniverse.com...
Taken from homepage
-Liero Xtreme is a sequel to the classic DOS game Liero. The aim of Liero Xtreme was to overcome some of the issues with the original game as well as introduce new features to the game that many people from the Liero community had wanted.
-Liero Xtreme has been mentioned in a finnish magazine as well on yahoo retro's game site.

Liero Xtreme Liero Xtreme
Rating : [3.9]
Producers: Jason Boettcher
"Combine classic worms gameplay with updated weapons, content and challenges and you get Liero Extreme"

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