Bruno R. Marcos personal photo Bruno R. Marcos
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Spanish
Whereabouts: Spain
Social status: N/A
Companies: None
-Maker of Star Wars: The Battle Of Endor and The Battle Of replica
-Was only member to work on these games.

Star Wars: The Battle of Endor Star Wars: The Battle of Endor
Rating : [4.6]
Producers: Bruno R. Marcos
"Relive all the excitement from the battle of Endor, as the rebel alliance squares off against the empire. Will you make the big difference in that battle and bring order back to the galaxy? Try your luck in this game"
Star Wars: The Battle of Yavin Star Wars: The Battle of Yavin
Rating : [4.5]
Producers: Bruno R. Marcos
"The stakes are on and it\'s all or nothing now. Will you be able to destroy the dreaded Death Star and bring peace one step closer?"

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