Alessandro "Fottifoh" Ghignola personal photo Alessandro "Fottifoh" Ghignola
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Italian
Whereabouts: Pisa, Tuscany
Social status: Alley Cat
Companies: None
Fottifoh, also known as, is the genius behind the quite popular space sim Noctis, originally released in 1996. Noctis is currently up to version IV, and a release for version V is in the works. Please check out his website for community links related to the Noctis replicas audemars piguet project! His past programming history, involves the company Home Sweet Pixel and the game Crystal Pixels. best digital watches

Noctis Noctis
Rating : [5]
Producers: Alessandro "Fottifoh" Ghignola
"Proving that there's no such thing as a final frontier... Endless galaxies are now at your fingertips"

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