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The Most Disgusting Person I've Ever Met

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#1 Blood-Pigggy


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 08:27 PM

And this person is one of my teachers.
I have been insulted, humiliated, threatened, beaten, I've had my dignity stripped, and I've been in the lowiest places that I could imagine, but I have NEVER been offended, and disrespected as I have been by this one teacher.

I do not know who it was, or what the *meep* they were thinking, but coming from a family where respect and morals are everything, I cannot understand how this disgusting, pathetic person thought they could manage to say such a horrible thing about me, BEHIND MY BACK, without thinking there would be any consequences.

I've had ambitions to join the military all my life, I want to be part of the Marine Corps.
At a recent Teacher/Parent Conference, I was surround by a few of my teachers, I explained to them what I wanted to be when I grew up, what I wanted to do in the future, I told them I wanted to become a Marine.

That's where it started, my parents sent in a survey to a special organization that tests a child to see if he or she needs special mentoring. A week later (today) we received a message from my guidance counseler. She did not herself say this thing, but she conveyed to me, that one of my teachers thought that the only reason I wanted to join the Marines was not to help my country, not to establish a carreer that could feed and shelter my future family, not to engage in any kind of special work, such as disarming bombs or etc. but simply as this teacher states it, to kill people.

When I heard this, I just about lost my mind. I have just been effectively called a brute, a animal, a person with absolutely no morals, and my only desire according to this *Equus Asinus*, is to murder people in cold blood.

This is the most disrespectful thing I have EVER heard in my life, not only did this teacher insult me personally, not only did they describe me as an animal that went against my own moral code, but they said it behind my back, without offering a name, and without thinking of my feelings or the kind of person I am. Instead they arrogantly slabbed me off as a piece of meat, or a pyschopath.
I don't know who the hell this person is, but tommorow, the first thing I'm going to do, is to walk into that guidance office, demand to know which *Canalis Analis* decided they could spread such *bovine droppings*, and once I find out who, I will take action, legal action, or whatever. I'll report them to the school, and I KNOW there will be actions taken against their incredibly offending comment because the Student Code of Conduct outlines this directly.

If nothing is done, I will make their life a living hell when I'm in their classroom, I will NOT do my work, I will disrupt their class 24/7, and be as disrespectful as possible, because when you do not respect a man, and instead take all his dignity by calling him an animal, you deserve to suffer for being such a narrow-minded freak.

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#2 Tulac


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:11 PM

Even though I never buy into any patriotic crap, still I can understand someone wanting to join the army for other reasons than killing people (I don't think you can get very far in marines if you just want to kill people, since those people aren't very discliplined), and therefore I can tell you to calm down and try to talk it through.

DakaSha:if you go into a kindergarden and give all the kids rubber schlongs they will prob just hit each other over the head with them
DakaSha:and you have a class of little kids hitting eachother with rubber dongs which must be quite funny (also Picklweasel knight I am)

#3 Doubler


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:12 PM

Although I can symphatize with your position as you've told it, Blood-Pigggy, I'd urge you to stay calm, keep a degree of subtlety in dealing with this and keep this between the two of you without dragging people into it that had nothing to do with it.

For one the blunt approach is least likely to get things done and most likely to harm yourself :D

Also most people that teach aren't trying to be malevolent or something. They try to do what they think is best for everyone involved. Some people are simply not suited for that kind of responsibility (God, I've had such teachers myself :)), but that doesn't mean that he should be 'made to suffer' as much as possible for mistakes he made. A more constructive approach is best for everyone, and that way you can avoid falling into the same trap as he apparently did.

Beyond that he had reasons for doing what he did. You might not like them, and you might certainly not like the way he handled them, but they're reasons nonetheless, and they're of importance to you in that respect. Especially important to know before you proceed bluntly (If only because they may be hard to get afterwards :P ).

Finally, by disrupting his classes you won't just be making that teacher himself suffer, but also yourself and, most importantly, those in that class with you :P

Wonderfull sig and avvie by Taikara :D

#4 Blood-Pigggy


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:18 PM

There are teachers are my school who just go for the cash, and really couldn't care less about the students, that's just the way it is where I live, they seriously just did it out of spite.

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#5 a1s


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:18 PM

I relize this is a highly distasteful field for jokes, but are you sure the teacher was well serious when he (or she) said that? :)
I might be mistaken (after all the entire range of things I know about you is based on what you write here) but you don't actulay leave the impression of someone who would wish to uhm... kill people (in fact I wouldn't have guessed your dream was to join a military organisation).
BTW, (and this is sort of offtopic) what function do you plan to have in the forces? (who will you work as?)
Those of you being liberal-art majors � don�t worry, advanced mathematics were largely omitted from this text in concern for your mental health.

QUOTE (Mighty Midget)
if BP has potied on Twilight Zone episode, I will strangle him

secret adept of the PICKALLONWEASEL order

#6 Blood-Pigggy


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 09:22 PM

I intend to take a course in the Engineering subclass.

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#7 taikara


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:17 PM

90% of teachers are ignorant. That's why most of them become teachers - because they're not good enough or smart enough to do what they teach.

In no way do I mean any offense by saying this (and in fact, I mean it as a compliment), but you're a bit socially deviant in some ways, Pigggy. You're unique, and you're much smarter and more creative than the average person - unfortunately, this can make it hard for the average person to relate to you, and I have little doubt that you're on a few people's bad lists, when you likely don't deserve to be.

This sounds like a typical example of a bitter, disgruntled teacher taking out his/her frustrations on a student that expresses any sort of uniqueness. It's just jealousy translated into "badmouthing." I wouldn't take it personally - you should be feeling sorry for the pathetic person.
..<[[[Tofu Ninja of the Pickasldawessle Order]]]>..
QUOTE (Tai - in response to DD on how people who fear change are like cats)
you mean the "you moved my litterbox, so I'm going to pee in your clothes hamper" attitude?
Yes, I just quoted myself. ph34r my T4i-F00!!.

#8 Tulac


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:29 PM

View Posttaikara, on Dec 4 2006, 11:17 PM, said:

90% of teachers are ignorant. That's why most of them become teachers - because they're not good enough or smart enough to do what they teach.
This is such an ignorant sentence that I can't ignore your ignorance  :) . People also become teachers because there are no other job offerings, not everyone can be a rocket scientist when they graduated physics, because there are just not enough workplaces and sure there are annoying teachers but to claim 90% of them are ignorant based on stereotypes, well that's just ignorant in itself. I have no idea why you're so bittered with the educational system but you have no right to offend a proffesion in that way.

DakaSha:if you go into a kindergarden and give all the kids rubber schlongs they will prob just hit each other over the head with them
DakaSha:and you have a class of little kids hitting eachother with rubber dongs which must be quite funny (also Picklweasel knight I am)

#9 a1s


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:37 PM

actulay according to your own words, since "there are just not enough workplaces", those places go to the best, while others get to work as salemen, lab assistants, janitors, or if they're really unlucky- teachers. then offcourse there are people who actulay chose to be uncopetitevely paid and be ignored all day by people less than half their age. they are the best, often they are the ones who change your life. it's much better with people who teach in universities (because they have to be much more competent and the ignoring ratio is reversed, which is important for morale), but for teachers in a public school I'd say 80-90% is about right.
Those of you being liberal-art majors � don�t worry, advanced mathematics were largely omitted from this text in concern for your mental health.

QUOTE (Mighty Midget)
if BP has potied on Twilight Zone episode, I will strangle him

secret adept of the PICKALLONWEASEL order

#10 Tulac


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:42 PM

But does that mean they're not smart enough to do what they teach and does it mean they're ignorant? Of course not.
There can only be one president at a time does it mean everyone else isn't smart/ charismatic enough to be a president, by your logic the answer is yes. But then one can just a look at George Bush and all is answered.

DakaSha:if you go into a kindergarden and give all the kids rubber schlongs they will prob just hit each other over the head with them
DakaSha:and you have a class of little kids hitting eachother with rubber dongs which must be quite funny (also Picklweasel knight I am)

#11 taikara


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:43 PM

Well, to be honest, I have no idea what the public education system is like over there, but over here, it's ridiculous, and I personally knew my subjects better than 90% of the public school teachers who taught me (not bragging, it's really not saying much in most cases). There are good teachers, excellent ones in fact, in the public school system, but they are the huge minority - most don't care about more than a paycheck. I'm not embittered, that's just the way it is. My cousin is a grade school teacher, my dad's girlfriend is a nationally recognized teacher, and I've had friends who teach - and this is something they complain about regarding their peers in the education system.

And if you have a physics degree, and can't get a job, then likely, you aren't good enough and/or smart enough to compete with the other people with physics degrees who ARE getting jobs. I would say the same thing about myself regarding the art degree I'm working on now. Sure, I have talent, but I have no job in graphic design - because although I have a strong portfolio, I don't have all the technical skills necessary (yet) that most design positions require, thus I am not good enough, and therefore I am taking the necessary classes to become good enough.

But maybe you're right, perhaps it's just laziness, and they just settle for teaching rather than improving their skills in order to increase their chances of landing a job in their preferred profession.
..<[[[Tofu Ninja of the Pickasldawessle Order]]]>..
QUOTE (Tai - in response to DD on how people who fear change are like cats)
you mean the "you moved my litterbox, so I'm going to pee in your clothes hamper" attitude?
Yes, I just quoted myself. ph34r my T4i-F00!!.

#12 Tulac


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:49 PM


There are good teachers, excellent ones in fact, in the public school system, but they are the huge minority - most don't care about more than a paycheck. I
:) And this makes it different from 90% of other work places just how? But you didn't go on and said that 90% of the people on the world are ignorant and not smart enough to do any better.



And if you have a physics degree, and can't get a job, then likely, you aren't good enough and/or smart enough to compete with the other people with physics degrees who ARE getting jobs. I would say the same thing about myself regarding the art degree I'm working on now. Sure, I have talent, but I have no job in graphic design - because although I have a strong portfolio, I don't have all the technical skills necessary (yet) that most design positions require, thus I am not good enough, and therefore I am taking the necessary classes to become good enough.

Read my post above yours.

DakaSha:if you go into a kindergarden and give all the kids rubber schlongs they will prob just hit each other over the head with them
DakaSha:and you have a class of little kids hitting eachother with rubber dongs which must be quite funny (also Picklweasel knight I am)

#13 taikara


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:53 PM

Well, truthfully, I was just trying to make Pigggy feel better, and have a tendency to be emphatic when I'm trying to help someone - since Pigggy's situation is what this topic is about, and not the state of the education system or the world populace.

But to answer you, yes, I will be my true elitist self and state that I believe 90% of the world population is ignorant - after all, how ELSE would Bush (and the majority of world leaders) be elected if that weren't the case :)
..<[[[Tofu Ninja of the Pickasldawessle Order]]]>..
QUOTE (Tai - in response to DD on how people who fear change are like cats)
you mean the "you moved my litterbox, so I'm going to pee in your clothes hamper" attitude?
Yes, I just quoted myself. ph34r my T4i-F00!!.

#14 DeathDude


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:56 PM

Well generally here as well, that aspect of many teachers holds true, that many are lazy and not really engrossed with the aspect of teaching, only for the paycheck. It's really only once you get to the post secondary level, and moreso at the college level, that you get the dedicated professors. In order to teach at the college level you need a minimum masters degree in Education, and even then you can only teach classes up the 200 level, if you want to be free what to teach you need to get your PHD.

A lot of the times, in the K-12 division, most teachers out of university will just receive their BED and head right into the teaching field. Experience also plays a role with teachers, and unless they really enjoy teaching a subject, and especially have dealt with kids at some level like coaching a team or even a job with them, a lot of them are illprepared and rather just get the course material taught to the students and get out, so that figure of 90% sounds about right, its unfortunate, but the tide is changing slowly with the new knowledge and information being taught to teachers now a days, which I have seen first hand with my goal of becoming a teacher hopefully one day.

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#15 DakaSha


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 10:57 PM

i pretty much agree with tai... ill just say it differently: you are not a politicaly correct person and you are different (in my eyes in a good way)... the teacher is just a *twiggy*/*kvetch* who is to stupid to see what/who you actually are. not that any of us really know who you are but im quite sure your not like that :D

dont blow up though. i get like that when im mad and so far its unly *meep*ed up my life even more. use your intelligence to "strike back". believe me youll achieve alot more. just letting the school know that the teacher is so ignorant would even be enough when you think about it :)

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