New Adventures of Zak McKracken, The New Adventures of Zak McKracken, The
Made by: LucasFan Games
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Continuation of a classic
Updated music & gameplay
Quirky humor
Slight technical issues
Extremely short
Strange sound effects

The premiere release of LucasFan Games in 2002, The New Adventures of Zak McKracken is a cult-classic godsend for LucasArts fans everywhere. Continuing right where the original story left off, the game is a genuine credit to the original, complete with the same type of strange puzzles, characters, and wittily stereotyped locations across the globe.

However, things are a bit different now for the intrepid Mr. McKracken. The Caponians have been thwarted, and his apartment is no longer falling to pieces, thanks to his fame, Nobel Peace Prize, and stacked CashCard. Money is no longer an issue - that is, if you can even find his Card, as he's still as forgetful as ever. Once you do, be prepared for another sardonic attempt to save Annie and the Coeds.

Many of the locations of the original Zak are accessible, with some interesting changes to look out for. Also, there's a whole slew of new locales available, all true to the feel of the old Zak. Be on the lookout for some of the old characters, too, as they have interesting comments regarding your prior interactions.

Fortunately (or not), the puzzles are just as complex and unusual as the original, with little in the way of in-game hints, so you'll find yourself spending an awful lot of time in airports (again). Unfortunately, the game is extremely short, without much to add to the original storyline.

The music of New Zak has been wonderfully arranged, and includes more than a few easily recognizable pop classics, as well as a few nice tributes to Star Wars for the geek in all of us. Also, the game comes with multiple language support, so be sure to check that out in the winsetup.exe file if English is not your native language.

Download the game, and continue the airport-hopping adventure today!

Review by: Taikara

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