Thomas Biskup personal photo Thomas Biskup
Age: 52 years
Nationality: German
Whereabouts: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Social status:
Companies: None
- Thomas Biskup is considered something of a demi-god among roguelike fans.
- He works as CEO for QuinScape.
- He was one of the founders of the company, although he was only about 30 back then.
- ADOM is a pet project of his which he has been developing alongside his real work since 1994 (coding started in 1992, actually). As a consequence, he considers it his "child" and flat-out refuses to release the source code. Recently, one of the most audemars piguet replica popular ADOM tools, ADOMbot (by Vladimir Panteleev) was taken down out of respect for Biskup's wishes.
- He doesn't make any money for ADOM, but he doesn't consider it freeware, but "postcardware" - he asks people who liked the game to send postcards to the following address:
Thomas Biskup
Timmerbrinksweg 37
45896 Gelsenkirchen

Ancient Domains of Mystery Ancient Domains of Mystery
Rating : [3.7]
Producers: Thomas Biskup
"Overcoming lack of graphic with an unbelievable gameplay and a brilliant random generator, makes ADOM a truly great gaming experience!!!"

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