Sandor Fekete personal photo Sandor Fekete
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Canadian
Whereabouts: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Social status: N/A
Companies: Taurus Media
I am a very passionate person when it comes to doing what I like doing. I'm quite methodical, organized and detail-oriented. Being creative is like a personality trait for me. It's natural. I'm one of those individuals who likes to "think outside of the box". I like coming up with new ideas - there is definitely no shortage of them in my mind. I am also quite the visionary; I can see the entire picture before anyone else can. I can basically see the entire puzzle created while I'm still holding the pieces. For me it's all about the little details. I notice things your average person would not. I excel at putting all those smaller details together to make a bigger picture. That is my forte.

MegaBot MegaBot
Rating : [4.4]
Producers: Taurus Media
"Strap yourself in for some robot combat. Get your thrusters ready to do battle against an evil force with world domination plans."

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