Rikard Peterson personal photo Rikard Peterson
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Swedish
Whereabouts: Swedan
Social status: N/A
Companies: None
Websites: http://www.trumgottist.com/
-Has two completed games at his site.
-Translated the game Cubert Badbone, P.I. to Swedish.
-Starred in Nick Bounty: The Goat in the Grey Fedora voicing the character Mike.
-Drew the title screen for the game Age of Invasion.

Frasse and the Peas of Kejick Frasse and the Peas of Kejick
Rating : [5]
Producers: Rikard Peterson
"Take control of Frasse. A blue hairy monster with a sense of adventure. So when the king asks for someone to find the famous peas of Kejick, Frasse steps forward to find these magical items and get to explore the land in the process."

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