Pixel personal photo Pixel
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Japanese
Whereabouts: Japan
Social status: Unknown
Companies: None
Websites: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA022293/...
Pixel is the Japanese mastermind behind Doukutsu. He's also the designer behind PXTone, a sound editing prog available on his website. If you speak Japanese, be sure to check out his site.

Doukutsu Monogatari - Cave Story Doukutsu Monogatari - Cave Story
Rating : [5]
Producers: Pixel
"Spelunking just got a whole lot cooler! In this crazy Japanese platformer, it's your quest to help the quirky cave-dwelling Mimigas by venturing deep into complex caverns."
Ikachan Ikachan
Rating : [4]
Producers: Pixel
"The sea is the limit, but can you get past the troublesome earthquakes and reach that limit?"

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