Lachie Dazdarian personal photo Lachie Dazdarian
Age: 42 years
Nationality: Austrian
Whereabouts: Croatia
Social status: Unknown
Companies: None
Lachie\'s real name is Dean Janjic. He was born in Austria, and raised in Croatia. He graduated in 2006 in Zagreb, with a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering.

He enjoys being creative, and his hobbies include drawing, composing music, or writing fiction.

His main hobby is designing games, which he does purely for pleasure. He gets a lot of satisfaction from knowing that people enjoy pleying his games.

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Rating : [3.9]
Producers: Lachie Dazdarian
"Sol is trapped in a strange world, with a desperate longing to return home. But he is here for a purpose, and he must fulfull that purpose! The only thing that keeps him going is his curiousity. Will he ever find the answers to his questions?"

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