Andrew Jenner personal photo Andrew Jenner
Age: 45 years
Nationality: British
Whereabouts: Seattle, USA
Social status: Married
Companies: CodeSourcery
Andrew has 2 young children - Alexander born on 28 November 2006, and Penelope born on 2 September.

Andrew works as as software devloper for CodeSourcery.

He is responsible for creating Digger Remastered.

Andrew has his own blog, so you can read more about him, and see what he\'s up to here -
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Digger Remastered Digger Remastered
Rating : [4.9]
Producers: Andrew Jenner
"Dig away the dirt, and try to collect all the emeralds. But beware of Hobbin and Nobbins, as they will chase you around them screen, and try to catch you."

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