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#58632 Your Favourite Top 5 Computer Game Characters

Posted by DeathDude on 24 January 2008 - 04:47 PM in Forum Guidelines

1. JC Denton (Deus EX) With the numerous ways to complete a game, JC can go from being a stealthy guy to an all out bad *money-maker*, and his voice acting in the game is superb.

2. Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island Series) The character that really got me into adventure games back in the day, such a unique character at the time back then, always trying to reach his goal and by Curse of Monkey Island again another fantastically voiced character.

3. Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango) When this game came out, it was so different for Lucasarts at the time, great storyline, setting and music, and Manny with his unique personality, was just one of the fantastic characters in the game.

4. Kyle Katarn - (Star Wars Jedi Knight Series) - He certainly has grown a lot since the early days, this was a solid series, where Kyle who could use both sides of the force and fulfilled many star wars fans who wanted to cut down stormtroopers and other enemies with a lightsaber.

5. Sam and Max (Recent Sam and Max Series moreso) Although paying homage to the earlier game, with the recent revival by Telltale games, these guys are a riot and there is no stopping them anytime soon.

#49976 Xg Arena

Posted by DeathDude on 17 May 2007 - 05:04 PM in Games on Reloaded

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review + download

#57668 Xain’d Sleena

Posted by DeathDude on 22 December 2007 - 04:50 PM in Games on Reloaded

Wow! Another Sarcastic Comment.

Seriously Juni take it down a notch, this is the third time you've made a comment of this nature, tone it down or you'll get a warn.

#52621 Wild West Shooter/horror

Posted by DeathDude on 17 August 2007 - 03:28 PM in Work in Progress

Looks quite nice all around, especially the terrain effects, good stuff dude.  :P

#54849 Widelands

Posted by DeathDude on 15 October 2007 - 03:06 AM in Game & Software Requests

Game has also been added to ze list.  :unsure:

#57667 What Do You Think Of Games Piracy

Posted by DeathDude on 22 December 2007 - 04:47 PM in Forum Guidelines

Now I may not have the figures right, but a couple of years ago, they did determine that about 3 billion dollars of revenue was lost in the video games industry, its hard to say if thats a world wide figure, but anyway you spin it thats a whole lot of cash.

I think if you want to try out a game before you buy, get the demo. Then you can at least see the game in action. Downloading a full version of a game, then buying it, no I think there is a much less likely chance that someone will buy it at that point.

While I wouldn't say piracy is running rampant in the vid game industry, I also do not approve of the tactics of companies who are putting in copy protection programs in their games. Thats just as bad, I mean yes there are pirates, there will always be, but what about the gamers who buy all their games, why should they have to suffer and face the copy protection progams, I'm referring mostly to securom by Sony, which if you do a search via google, you can see how bad of a program it is and how it basically stays on your system, even after you uninstall a game (BioShock is a game for example that uses this technology)

The main issue I have with pirates in the video game industry, is that they are truly hurting the game developers. Game developers aren't rich and you need to put in a lot of time and effort to make a game, especially now moreso than ever before, so especially for newer games, when a game gets pirated that sucks. I mean with the movie and music industry, the stars and people in high positions do get a lot of cash, and thats why I can sorta understand how people can legitimize pirating in those industries, with the amount of cash to go around. Nevertheless, the musician will suffer, especially if they are not in the big time, so even in those areas I support them by buying albums, buying merch at concerts, and other avenues to support bands and whatnot.

Anyways with Video Games Piracy, its better to pay than pirate, think about who is getting hurt by the lost sales, its more direct than the movie and music industries.

#57745 What Do You Think Of Games Piracy

Posted by DeathDude on 24 December 2007 - 12:46 AM in Forum Guidelines

I think it can be safely argued that piracy has not as of this moment had a dramatic impact on the vid game industry, even though more than $ 3 billion is lost each year, it hasn't gotten to the point where developers and publishers are constantly complaining about piracy hurting sales, especially on the console front its getting harder and harder to do so, now I'm referring only to North America, not the world, as it would be foolish to say thats how it is everywhere.

When it does get to that point and it may happen within the next 10-20 years, the campaign against piracy will be revamped even further, whether it leads to a more streamlined approach of distribution like say downloading games from the net, paying the developers directly, remains to be seen. I still stand by the idea that anyone who downloads a full version game will not buy a game later. Yeah some people will, but that number seriously is outnumbered by people who will just keep the game.

Its a shame really  but what can you do, its the same problem the music industry is facing and look at their piracy problem, its much larger atm than the video game one, I don't fully believe that piracy is the only reason why there are lower sales, sub par artists that are being crammed down our throats is another reason.

Honestly the music industry is going to really change sometime in the future, and I do believe the days of record labels are almost done, they are losing tons of money from low sales, and are trying as hard as they can to get revenue in many areas. Anyone who tries to become an artist nowadays has to face the threat of record labels, getting a cut of your concert/merchandise revenue as well, its insane. If this leads to a more streamlined distribution of online only downloads, that will suck imo. I'd rather buy cd's get the artwork, lyrics and all that in the palm of my hand, not having to go search the net for all this.

I do believe that with the way the industry is going, its only a matter of time before the video game goes into full red alert against piracy, when that happens the next phase of this battle will commence, and it may just lead to an all new method of distributing games, we will have to see.

#55153 Warzone 2100

Posted by DeathDude on 24 October 2007 - 04:47 PM in Game & Software Requests

Welcome to AR deepspace. Actually the game has already received a review and some screens and is merely waiting the prepping process for sometime in the future. :unsure:

#52291 Video Games = Art?

Posted by DeathDude on 09 August 2007 - 12:11 AM in Forum Guidelines

I think it can be expanded though to other areas, like music and whatnot, especially if someone is looking at a broad definition of "art", what stops music in games from being defined as art, many forms are recognized differently already in the other realm of music, so it should apply both ways.

#52110 Video Games = Art?

Posted by DeathDude on 03 August 2007 - 12:56 AM in Forum Guidelines

I would say video games are a form of art, that has continued to evolve and be taken to new levels thanks to developers, artists and whatnot. Plus the whole concept of "art" does not just fall into the graphics domain, but into music, sound, and all that.

Any aspect of a video game could be seen as art, even if its not the most fancy graphics or unique innovations that are being accomplished, I think its just silly to say that video games are not art, like a certain Roger Ebert has said and which has evolved into a huge debate on the net right now, bottom line video games are an art.

#56368 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 15 November 2007 - 02:44 PM in Game & Software Requests

The story in this game picks up right away with whats going on and it progresses nicely I found. Some factors could have been explained a tad better or maybe gone into some more detail, but thats just something really minor, I really do enjoy the way the story has been proceeding and just all the action, its a different sort of a game that you really do not see in the indie community of this nature.

#57238 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 08 December 2007 - 05:35 PM in Games on Reloaded

The wire cutting is tough and yeah I think its best to go through a mission, write em down the colours for later and then try again, its mostly about understanding and learning Trilby's movement patterns and learning how to react fast to the cameras and guards if you want to get the trilby rating, plenty of speedruns on youtube too, if you wish to see it in action.

#56317 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 14 November 2007 - 04:52 PM in Game & Software Requests

Indeed I'm really liking the way the story is going, it seems just as fresh once you really get into the story, I'm on mission 7 right now, and the game is really getting quite challenging, I think Mission 4 is one of the more tougher ones, when you play it, you will know what I mean. :D

#56272 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 13 November 2007 - 06:38 PM in Game & Software Requests

I've been playing this game since yesterday. What a fantastic game. :D I like the style of the game, and although it can be quite challenging, it does offer a lot to do especially with going back to earlier missions with more moves, Yahtzee has done it again.

#56568 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 20 November 2007 - 11:35 PM in Game & Software Requests

It shall be done. :D I will make sure to mention the forum in the review, currently am working on it.

#57322 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 10 December 2007 - 07:34 PM in Games on Reloaded

I think the most useful skills are essentially roll, lockpick level 3, siddle, sugar rush, and reasonable doubt, again as mentioned gecko hold is not that great, especially if your aiming for a trilby ranking. I mention sugar rush, as it can get you out of a few jams especially in parts where there is the whole blinking laser phenomenon in the lab mission, activate that and it'll make it a lot faster to get through that sticky situation, its not the most essential skill to have and really its a matter of preference, but it has got me out of a bunch of jams at times.

#57411 Trilby The Art Of Theft

Posted by DeathDude on 14 December 2007 - 12:26 AM in Games on Reloaded

Finally after some free time after finishing exams, finished with all trilby ranking, default grey suit of course, now onwards using cream suit, this shall be fun.

Posted Image

#52690 Top 5 "perfect" Songs

Posted by DeathDude on 18 August 2007 - 10:02 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

Wells my list of 5 top songs have certainly changed, not by a lot, but there are a few titles from my original that are going to get dropped.

Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons
Iron Maiden - Revelations
Devin Townsend - Canada
Porcupine Tree - Blackest Eyes/The Creator Has A Master Tape
Dream Theater - In the Presence of Enemies Part 1 and 2 (Its split into two songs on their latest album, but the band plays both parts back to back in their concerts nowadays)

#54641 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 06 October 2007 - 11:44 PM in Forum Guidelines

Well its been more than a fair while since the last episode, so I present you with another one, number 34, the style in this one has also changed to a lot of my past Reports, a little more serious, but it still has its own unique charm. ;)

The E Report Episode 34

Comments are always welcome.

#53047 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 26 August 2007 - 04:36 PM in Forum Guidelines

@Russ - Thanks for letting me know, I will definitely repost all the episodes I have posted already and a few more. ;) Cannot deny the E Nation of hearing the latest take on current events.  :P

#53850 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 18 September 2007 - 01:12 AM in Forum Guidelines

Presenting a new episode of the fabled E Report, episode number 33.

The E Report Episode 33

Any comments, opinions, are always welcome, and of course you can spiral off the topic I talk about into further debate here if you wish. ;)

#53122 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 28 August 2007 - 08:58 PM in Forum Guidelines

Thanks _r.u.s.s., the report itself has evolved from the very early days of 2, but good to hear the report still has its funny charm. :P

Any further comments are also welcome, about any of the reports that have been posted or any other questions related to the Reports itself, how come up with the ideas, blah blah ya get the jest of it. ;)

#53052 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 26 August 2007 - 07:54 PM in Forum Guidelines

Alrighties I managed to reupload all the original episodes I posted plus a bunch more, including the latest one I did a few weeks ago, here they are, full of E Editorial and commentary goodness,  :P  enjoy!

The E Report Episode 2

The E Report Episode 8 Christmas Special

The E Report Episode 16

New Clips (Not Posted Before)

The E Report Episode 15

The E Report Episode 20

The E Report Episode 22

The E Report Episode 26

The E Report Episode 32

#57868 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 26 December 2007 - 10:00 PM in Forum Guidelines

Finally had some time to do a new episode of The E Report, so here we go with Episode 36, a Christmas related sort of report, hope ya like it.

The E Report Episode 36

#56080 The E Report

Posted by DeathDude on 08 November 2007 - 08:45 PM in Forum Guidelines

Bring back LP's indeed, least we would get wicked sounding music and a flying sort of disc after bad days at the office.

Anyways another new E Report for all of ya, this time it will be focusing on Guitar Hero III, give it a listen and any comments are always welcome.

The E Report Episode 35

Edit: Plus two never before released episodes which you can hear as a bonus for the sake of bonusness or something.

The E Report Episode 6

The E Report Episode 13