Sunday Drivers Sunday Drivers
Made by: Bertone Ermes
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Quite a variety of vehicles
Interesting borrowed tunes
Easy to play
Cars bouncing off each other
Must get 1st place to continue

As is the case with most games in this particular genre, the idea that in order to solve problems, or perhaps to make a point one must try a new and exciting conept. That being to take all the worst Sunday drivers, put them all together with their vehicle of choice and race around a bunch of tracks for victory! As you can imagine this race will be full of crazy drivers, reckless turns and much more. You also get the opportunity to unlock some unique vehicles, get some interesting musical numbers to listen to while you race and overall is just an easy game to sit down and start playing away.

Controls in the game can be played either with a keyboard or with a gamepad if you prefer. Steer with the left and right arrow keys, accelerate with the space bar and use items that you pick up along the race with the control key. Oh and there is no brake key, cause that is just how crazy this racing game is. Well that or because they are such bad drivers as the game states then there is no need for the brake.

When you first start the game though, you only have access to one car and one track. In order to unlock more vehicles and more tracks, you have to finish the race in 1st place. As you continue to do so in each new track, you will unlock some better vehicles and some more interesting levels that will test your driving skills. There are 15 tracks for you to unlock divided up into five different worlds of three tracks each. The game also borrows some interesting game music from such series as Super Mario Kart, which is pretty cool as it fits with the game, especially with the cartoon look, the game is aiming for, which is albeit it a bit not too high on the quality area but still looks all right. The vehicles though, look better than some of the environments.

The one element of the game that I did not like too much, which was the fact that every time you hit an opponent, your car bounces off them. This particular aspect of the game, can get annoying if you are trying to pass a car and they are blocking your way and you just keep pushing them forward. In addition, with the added challenge of having to get a 1st place finish in order to unlock the next track can be quite challenging to achieve and does not leave you with a lot of room for error. Maybe, had the game been more generous with perhaps allowing a first or second place finish would have made things more fair, as achieving first place can be quite challenging, especially in some of the later stages of the game.

Nevertheless, this was a fun racing game and with the incentive to try and unlock all 15 tracks and all the vehicles this will keep you occupied for quite awhile.

Review by: DeathDude

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Windows, minimum 32MB Video Card
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