Heroine Iysayana Heroine Iysayana
Made by: Skullbyte
Website: http://www.skullbyte.com/iysayana.php
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Trite and boring story
Sluggish battle system
Obnoxious jokes

Heroine Iysayana is a rather disappointing RPG about a woman named Iysayana, who is known as the Party-Elf.  As Iysayana's favorite pastimes are getting drunk and sleeping with anyone or anything male, it comes to no surprise that Iysayana accepts an invitation from a stranger to attend a party in a hidden cave near her hometown of Phool, which promises to include dirty men and stiff drinks.  Drunk not 15 minutes after her arrival at the place where the party is held, she unwittingly signs a contract and soon passes out; when she awakens, she finds herself in another place and meets a woman who identifies herself as the goddess of fertility and pleasure.  Because Iysayana signed the contract, she is thrust into a fight against some evil that is somehow threatening the land; if she fails or refuses, she will be sent to spend eternity in hell.  Iysayana reluctantly disembarks, hoping to find more men and hopefully complete her quest.

Much of Heroine Iysayana's story involves way too many crude jokes about Iysayana's promiscuity, so much so that it almost becomes obnoxious simply because pretty much every other humorous statement in the game involves her immorality in some way; it's as if the creator was having a little too much fun writing the script.  Iysayana is a sensualist who does anything she wants, so long as it brings her pleasure (which is why she never learned to read or write), and is not afraid to admit it (this reviewer thought women were supposed to pretend that they weren't promiscuous and instead try to have an air of innocence about them).  The story itself is poorly executed and otherwise uninteresting, and the characters lack any real development.  Like any other self-respecting Final Fantasy game or clone thereof, Heroine Iysayana's story involves reluctant heroes sent to dispel some evil only to discover that some greater evil threatens the fate of the whole world.

Heroine Iysayana is a story in three parts, but you'll be lucky to get through the first without deleting the game in disgust.  The battle screens are similar to those in Dragon Warrior, though your characters have nothing special about them.  Each character advances somewhat differently; some improve in magic, while others are better suited for combat, but there's nothing special about it.  The combat mode is rather sluggish, and the menus tend to freeze momentarily.  If you're a fan of the Final Fantasy games or just in the mood for some dirty humor, then Heroine Iysayana is your game; otherwise, you're not missing much.

Review by: Triton

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Age rating:
Promiscuity and heavy drinking.
Safe for ages: 15+
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