Steve Barcia personal photo Steve Barcia
Age: Unknown
Nationality: American
Whereabouts: USA
Social status: Unknown
Companies: Simtex Studios Inc.
In 1988, Steve Barcia founded Simtex Studios Inc. along with Ken Burd. He's most known for his work on Master of Orion and Master of Magic. He also oversaw the production of Master of Orion 2.

In 2000 he was made president of Retro Studios, but was replaced by Michael Kelbaugh in 2003.

Star Lords Star Lords
Rating : [3]
Producers: Simtex Studios Inc.
"Star Lords is the prequel to Master of Orion, one of the most acclaimed 4X games of all time, so if you're a MoO fan, you don't want to miss this one. Do you have what it takes to conquer the galaxy?"

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