Chrille Blomqvist personal photo Chrille Blomqvist
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Swedish
Whereabouts: Gothenburg, Sweden
Social status: réplique de montres suisse
Companies: GASPOP Software
-Interests include music and film.
-Plays mostly FPS and adventure.
-He started programming when he was thirteen years old, although he doesn't consider his first attempts to be serious.

Pleurghburg: Dark Ages Pleurghburg: Dark Ages
Rating : [5]
Producers: GASPOP Software
"Brutal murder in a city with limited crime... It\'s a chilling case."
Urban Joe Urban Joe
Rating : [4.6]
Producers: GASPOP Software
"Aliens are everywhere! With the earth fighting an unrelenting stream of alien attackers, all lies in the hands of Urban Joe and his ability to destroy the source of their power to save us all."

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