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Age: Unknown
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Companies: None

Ben Jordan Case 1 Ben Jordan Case 1
Rating : [4.5]
Producers: Grundislav Games
"Mysterious murders are taking place in the Florida Everglades, but who is the culprit? Join Ben Jordan in his first case as a P.I. to find out the truth?"
Ben Jordan Case 2 Ben Jordan Case 2
Rating : [3.5]
Producers: Grundislav Games
"Join Ben Jordan in his second case as he searches for the lost galleon in the Salton Sea. Is the legend true or just a bunch of nonsense?"
Ben Jordan Case 4 Ben Jordan Case 4
Rating : [5]
Producers: Grundislav Games
"Ben Jordan is on his 4th case to discover is there a haunting, a ghost? Can Ben Jordan solve this case?"

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