Rad Challenge Pro 07 Reviewed by: DeathDude Positive Points: Superb graphics Nice music Semi realistic gameplay Negative Points: Only one track Having to register for one of the modes Genre: Racing Size: 33 709 KB Requirements: Windows, Questionable Content: None Editor rating: 4.2 Homepage: http://www.sevengames.de/downloads/radchallenge/ Download location: http://www.sevengames.de/downloads/radchallenge/download/ The thrill of charging down a hill on your bike has captivated many dare deviled like minded individuals over the years. The idea of racing down a long and progressively road, through the forests, city roads and whatever else manages to appear, challenges any biker, to tackle such a challenge. So, it fell upon the developers at Seven Games to create a game with that thrill and challenge of being a bike racer, in their title Rad Challenge Pro 07. This particular bike simulation/racing title not only is solid in capturing the excitement and speed and challenge of professionally riding a bike down a fairly long course, but it does so with superb looking graphics, some great music that adds to the experience and a semi realistic feeling of how it would feel traveling at such a speed, in such a race. When you first load up this game, an updater will appear to check if the version you are running is the latest one available. If it is not, it will download the new version to your computer, once this check is done, you are presented with starting the game and with fiddling with the display settings, should you find the game runs too slowly or if you just wish to fiddle around. Once you load up the game, you will be presented with several areas to explore, but as soon as your ready hit the start button and you will be presented with three options to choose, training, qualify, and race. The only two modes you will be able to try at this point in the game, since it is continually being updated is training and qualifying mode. My suggestion is to pick training mode, to familiarize yourself with the only track that is available with the game. Once you are ready you can choose the qualify mode, however you will have to register with Seven Games, through a handy registration form. If you do not wish to register, you do not have to, since you can play the single track in the game, in training mode, but it does offer you the chance to take on a computer opponent and see how fast you can make it through the track, compared to the other human competitors each day, and ranks you on how well you did time wise. That’s right there is only one track for you to experience in this game which is a shame. Although it is not a short course, and is actually fairly lengthy, it would have been nice if the developers could have thrown in at least a couple more tracks at the very least. Despite the one track, the game looks fabulous as you will see once you start racing. From the environment itself, to the actual bike racer, everything looks quite vivid and lovely. Nice job by the developers on making this game look great. From the countryside, to the city, it definitely looks like the type of bike racing track you would expect to see in real life. The music was also great to listen to. It really added to the adrenaline and speed of racing, and pushes you to race faster and faster down the track. Although it is only one music track, it still sounds quite nice and fits with the action. The game can be considered part simulation, based on the control of your bike as you are racing, which seems to be fairly accurate. From the jumps, to the movement at the high speeds, the bike handles as you would imagine it would handle in real life in the same situation. Hopefully as more content is added to the game, there will be even better courses to race, great music, and even more challenges for gamers out there looking for a bike racing game, that offers speed, action and plenty of fun, which is what Rad Challenge Pro 07 does in this version.