Brief Summery Of Info For Updaters Your member name Frodo Complete review (no less than three paragraphs, preferably more). See below Game genre (Adventure, Sim, Action, etc.) Adventure Up to 3 positive points Interesting story Excellent graphics Up to 3 negative points Game is quite short Rating, submitted as a decimal, e.g.: 3.7 3.2 Complete system requirements, including programs needed & system info, if available Windows Official game URL Download location URL Brief description of questionable content (violence, nudity, etc), for content rating purposes. 13+ Some slight language If a multiplayer game, multiplayer methods (Hotseat, LAN, and/or Internet). Not multiplayer. PRINCIPLES OF EVIL VOLUME 2 REVIEW MADE BY: Divot Design SIZE: 16.3 MB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY We continue our adventures with Rogi, in this second (and final) instalment of Principles With Evil. Rogi has fallen through the Hole In The World, and is now in the homeland of her idol, Babayaga. She begins her search for the home of the evil witch. But this is a strange, new world for Rogi, and there are many distractions. A lot of people (and animals) need her help in various ways. And lets not forget about the local blacksmith, she is instantly smitten with him! Who would have thought trying to find an evil witch could be so hard? GAMEPLAY The game is controlled entirely by mouse, so it's very easy to use. Simply right-click your mouse to scroll through the cursor icons (see, talk, pick up etc), and then left-click to use that icon in Rogi's world. When you are talking to some-one, dialogue will appear at the bottom, and you can choose what to say simply by clicking on it. You can easily access you inventory by moving you mouse to top of the screen, and selecting 'Items'. Each item is represented by a small picture, so it is very clear what you are carrying. You can also Save, Load, or Quit the game at any time by moving your mouse up, and clicking on the appropriate icon. Puzzles are logical, and they are not too hard to solve. However, the game is quite short, and will not take you more than a few hours to complete. GRAPHICS The game takes place at night-time, so the outside backgrounds are dark and atmospheric. Dark shades have been used to great effect. This contrasts nicely with the bright, vibrant colours used inside buildings. The whole game has a kind of 'cartoony' feel to it. Everything is animated very smoothly, and characters even move their mouths when they talk. I love the animation when Rogi helps the fox. It made me laugh (hee hee). And the grinning bears showing their teeth really appeal to me. The cursor icons have their own unique style, and adds a nice touch to the game. MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS Music is creepy, and atmospheric, and I enjoyed listening to it. It really seems to fit in with the game's style. The music changes every so often, so you don't hear the same thing all the time. There is no sound effects in this game, which is a bit disappointing. But that is only a minor gripe, and does not detract from the game. SUMMARY Principles Of Evil is a very enjoyable adventure game by Divot Design. The story is an interesting story about Rogi searching for her idol, Babayaga. The game is mouse-driven, so it is very easy to control. Simply click on where you want to go, and Rogi will move there. Right-click your mouse to scroll through the various options available. Backgrounds are very rich and colourful, and characters are fun to see. The music is creepy, and fits in nicely with the mood of the game. The game is quite short, but it's a nice conclusion to her adventures in Part 1.