Apprentice 2: The Knight's Move Reviewed by: DeathDude Positive Points: Engrossing Story Excellent Graphics/Animation Thinking Puzzles Negative Points: Slow walking speed Ends when you may not want it to Genre: Adventure Size: 43.3 MB Questionable Content: None Editor rating: 4.8 Homepage: Download Location: Welcome, brave user, to part 2 of the Apprentice series, as you journey forth again in this epic saga, viewed through the eyes of the apprentice Pip. Trouble is afoot again in Willowbeam; you must go forth, rid the land of the danger, and become the magician you always have been striving to be! Okay, well there goes my epic introduction, now on to the review. Apprentice 2: The Knight's Move continues the story of our hero Pip as he continues to learn the craft of becoming a wizard. But that is not all, for Lord Iron Crow is also preparing to go to war and is conscripting the unemployed and homeless into his army - that also means Pip is eligible! In addition, Pip's master has given him three tasks that he must complete if he wants to become a wizard, so much is happening already. The story that is presented to you in the game is nicely written, I felt; from the beginning of the game it's set out what's going on and what you're going to have to do. In a manner somewhat reminiscent of Monkey Island, there are three tasks that you have to accomplish, but these tasks are real thinkers; there are different things you have to do to accomplish them. What was refreshing to see was that these puzzles in the game were done with a good amount of difficulty, the puzzles are not overly difficult but they will make you think about how to accomplish the tasks. Graphics in the game are nicely done, and the animations too were very impressive to say the least. Many colors are used for the different backgrounds and there's generally a good look for the world that was out there; I was definitely impressed by the work that was put into this. It really was hard to point out faults with the game. Other than a slow walking speed at times and maybe the game ending right when you do not want it to end are the only concerns I had. Really they are so irrelevant in the scheme of things they do not have a large impact. If you're looking for an excellent adventure game that really shows how much work and effort went into it, or if you're a fan of the original apprentice game, check out this title for an enjoyable experience.