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Job Trouble

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#16 DeathDude


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Posted 05 January 2006 - 05:16 PM

He acted totally unprofessional in this manner to you Tai, no question about it, the fact that he went off like that to attack you and bring you down, that's just low in my opinion. :max:

Fact of the matter from my perspective you did what was right in the situation and oooh you touched the office software you shouldn't be criticized for that especially since they haven't given you any training, and yeah I don't think demanding access to the software would be the best either, it could just potentially escalate things, but keep at this Tai and keep working hard like you always do, your a good person Tai don't let this a-hole bring ya down because of this, cause frankly don't give him that satisfaction he probably got from putting you down to satisfy his own ego, and good luck again with all this hopefully it turns around to be somewhat better.

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#17 Fawfulhasfury


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Posted 05 January 2006 - 05:30 PM

At least you handled it better than I would've. I would've fought yelling and screaming and fists with more fists and yelling and screaming and threatening and grabbing shirt collars and bodyslamming and punches and uh, other stuff. Faw to boss,"no I wasn't lying." Boss to Faw, "I think..." Faw to boss, "No you will stop thinking NOW!" Grabs boss by shirt collar, "I didn't come to work for this crap, now you're going to give me some respect here I did my best i'm new and I don't know crap! You never bothered to help me out or give me tips! all you do is yell and crap at me, and if I quit now you'll be in a mess! SAo shut up! " Now either boss is stunned and apologizes, or he starts yelling, if he keeps yelling, " Thats it I quit! I hope you lose your firm too, and every team you bet on loses!" *throws papers in bosses face, then spits on his shiny pretty boy shoes*

Thats how I would've handled it, compared to that, you did great Tai, but I hope things do better for you. =/
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#18 Frodo


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Posted 05 January 2006 - 07:57 PM

Your boss is a bully, and he shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.   :huh:  :max:

Are you in a union? Or is there anyone else you can complain to?  If it's a big company, can you ask to transfer to a different office?  Even go the the Citizens Advice Berau.

Can I suggest you keep a diary.  Write down every incident, every time he raises his voice, every confrontation.  Include the day and time it happened.  

I really hope you get another job soon, and get out of there.  

Beef had a good point.  If he fires you, it's unfair dismissal. :P
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#19 DannyMc252



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Posted 05 January 2006 - 08:11 PM

Ouch. Bad boss. menolikey boss. melikey Tai's idea.

Really, he shouldn't treat you like that. If he can't handle his own work (i.e. use a printer), he shouldn't have a go at you for that.
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#20 A. J. Raffles

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 08:50 PM

To me it doesn't sound like a misunderstanding, actually. It sounds like your boss is looking for an excuse to get rid of you. Even if he isn't as nasty as that, you simply can't work with such a person. Even if his employees have indeed screwed up badly,it's inacceptable behaviour for a boss to scream and yell at them - he ought to know that sort of thing is a loss of face and does away with your last bit of dignity in such a situation. Very unprofessional.
And really, was there any harm done? As far as I can see, the only thing you did was to misinform a client, but you did so unintentionally, and what's even more important, to the client it's completely irrelevant why he hasn't got the documents at the moment. He doesn't know what happened exactly, but he probably couldn't care less about whether you've mislaid the documents or whether they haven't even been written yet, as long as he gets them as quickly as possible now. So how is it relevant whether what you told him was the truth or not? (And really, I doubt that as an estate agent your boss himself will be able to subscribe to a policy of strict honesty, anyway.)
About the software, I don't quite see the point of their not letting you use it when they're supposed to be training you.

This whole thing is ridiculous. Quit the job, it'll save you a lot of nerves.

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#21 wendy


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Posted 05 January 2006 - 11:54 PM

He sounds a bit of a crazy person...highly irrational at best.  Unfortunately, as I'm currently discovering, there seems to be a lot of irrational people out there.  But how do we best handle those who don't seem to have a grip on reality?  With this job, it just doesn't sound like a winning situation.  I can't see any hope for improvement.  And as every day you'll be on edge, you're more likely to make mistakes and incur more of his wrath.  I don't know what to advise, all I can do is sympathise and wish you well.  *hugs*

I'd be very tempted to leave if I was in that situation.
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#22 Tulac


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 11:10 AM

I don't know about you, but here we already learn in school/ especially college that there are some highly irrational people...

DakaSha:if you go into a kindergarden and give all the kids rubber schlongs they will prob just hit each other over the head with them
DakaSha:and you have a class of little kids hitting eachother with rubber dongs which must be quite funny (also Picklweasel knight I am)

#23 taikara


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 01:12 PM

I just thought I'd let you guys know what happened yesterday...

I went to the office, on time, and the first thing I did was to go to his office, sit down, and tell him, "Mr. C------, I appreciate that you gave me this job, and I've learned a lot, but what happened yesterday has made me very uncomfortable, and I don't feel I can continue working here."

He didn't apologize, but he was curiously nice. I asked him if he required any notice, and told him that I would be willing to stay a couple more days just to finish up any processing we still had in-house for the real estate closings. In return, he told me that if I would stay and do that, he'd give me a good recommendation for my job hunt.

Like I said, curiously nice.

Anyway, the day went on, and I worked as hard as I could to get stuff done, so I can get out of the office ASAP. He was nice today, but I'm not stupid, and I realize it's because he knows how he'll be screwed with no assistant. The moment he thinks I might be staying through the duration of the head assistant's absence, he'll turn again. I've seen him do it before with the head assistant - he yells at her, she gets upset, he comes to work and gives her flowers the next morning, and then it happens a week or so later.

And get this - one of the tasks he gave me yesterday was to print out ALL the delivered documents from the office software for our files. I think perhaps he realized that if I wasn't going to be there, he was going to have to deal with it. I made sure to label whether they were in TSR or commitment form for him, because he doesn't know the difference, and he gets angry and confused when he's looking at the same thing in different formats :max:

Anyway, at the end of the day, when we reviewed all I had done, I made sure to remind him firmly that I was leaving, by saying, "When I *leave*, everything will be processed up, and the hardest thing you'll have to deal with is warehousing."

He tried to guilt-trip me by saying, "Well, and there's all the commitments and closing stuff..."

To which I replied, "Well, Mr. C------, I was never properly trained to do those, so you would be doing them whether I was here or not." *sweet smile*

(The truth is, I've never been trained to do them by his office, but from prior experience and observation, I know I can do them - I even asked if I could do them for our office at a time things were really crunched before the head assistant left, but I was told that I couldn't).

I feel a lot better. What he did was basically an attempt to rob me of my dignity and self-respect. He demeaned me, and beat me into the ground, and when I finally did break (and I admit it, I did), he then kicked me while I was down. The way I handled it yesterday, I feel like I took some of that back.

I know he's scared to death of not having an assistant to do his bidding, but hey, he's a grown man, and he should realize by now that there's consequences to his actions. If he's going to treat his employees like dirt, they're going to leave. He's just been spoiled rotten by his head assistant, who's a masochist that lets him scream at her and never ever questions it.
..<[[[Tofu Ninja of the Pickasldawessle Order]]]>..
QUOTE (Tai - in response to DD on how people who fear change are like cats)
you mean the "you moved my litterbox, so I'm going to pee in your clothes hamper" attitude?
Yes, I just quoted myself. ph34r my T4i-F00!!.

#24 DeathDude


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 01:19 PM

Don't ya love it when bosses love to guilt trip employees like that, it's like it's the most common thing they seem to do, but sounds like ya definitely got him back Tai, and glad to hear your feeling better. :huh: Sucks to have dealt with this in the first place with this sucky boss, but to extract that token of payback now that's classic. :max:

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#25 Flop


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 01:31 PM

Good for you Tai. You definitely don't owe him anything, but staying for a couple of days in exchange for a good recommendation, is probably a good deal. Provided he actually gives you a good recommendation, that is. He strikes me like the sort of guy who wouldn't mind going back on a deal.

But still, It's good to hear you're leaving that place. :max:
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#26 Frodo


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 04:18 PM

Good on ya Tai.  You got him sorted.   :huh:

Glad you're getting out of there, but make sure you get your reference.  Don't be tempted to change your mind and stay.

Glad you're feeling better.  :max:
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#27 Fruit Pie Jones

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 04:25 PM

Nicely done, Tai.  You handled that situation very well.  It sounds like that guy deserves much worse than what you gave him.  That's commendable, and I wish you luck in quickly finding a much better job.
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#28 PrejudiceSucks


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 05:11 PM

Aye, good luck for the future.

#29 DannyMc252



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Posted 06 January 2006 - 05:28 PM

Woot, go tai!
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#30 Sean


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Posted 06 January 2006 - 05:34 PM

Nicely done Tai, I wouldn't expect anything less :max:

I'm glad things are looking up, hopefully he'll gold true to his word and give you a decent reccomendation. If he does it'll only be a matter of time before you get a decent job with a nicer boss. Good luck finding a new job soon, have fun when you do get one :huh:

Glad to hear it all went well.