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Canadian Government

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#1 taikara


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 01:00 PM

The Canadian government collapses?

That's pretty extreme :blink:

Different articles:


Long Canadian article
..<[[[Tofu Ninja of the Pickasldawessle Order]]]>..
QUOTE (Tai - in response to DD on how people who fear change are like cats)
you mean the "you moved my litterbox, so I'm going to pee in your clothes hamper" attitude?
Yes, I just quoted myself. ph34r my T4i-F00!!.

#2 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 02:13 PM

;) The Canadian government is actually mentioned elsewhere, ABC news and UK news, this must be some sort of record hehe.

Yup the Canadian government is no more  :blink: for now that is :(, the 3 articles that Tai posted are a good indication of the situation, with the UK one mentioning the corruption scandal that happened and is a big reason why the government was defeated in a non confidence vote, as for the Canadian democratic movement article this is one of the many lobby/interest groups in the country, so it may seem biased in spots but it also mentions a key factor in one of the parties the NDP voted with the opposition, since the NDP is more aligned with the Liberal party on the left.

"One reason this election has come about at this time is that NDP leader, Jack Layton, and the prime minister could not agree on protections for the Medicare system. The PM failed to allay Layton's concerns about the privatization of our universal health care- one of the best and most cost effective systems in the world yet we seem intent on destroying it!

Personally as a voter I'm glad to see an election, the liberals have been governing this country since 1993 and well I think now is a time for change, the federal sponsership scandal (mentioned in the UK article) pushed it for many voters to see our government shameless waste money, correction our money that we pay with our taxes, so we'll see what happens.

Unfortuantely polls say if an election were held today the liberals would get elected again with a minority government (just like now) sigh voters in the east still trust them why why why. LOL

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#3 Juni Ori

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 02:40 PM

Well, I don't know how extreme this actually is. At least this is how democracy works and these sort of incidents happen every now and then around the (democratic) world. If I've understood and remember correctly, there has been quite a few no confidence votes in Europe, but most, if not all, have failed. Political consequenses are usually quite mild after all and usually people tend to forget in relatively short time what party did what and how well. And there's the problem: today's politics (outside N.America too) are quite much quite big show. Parties true agendas are pushed aside and personal gain put first. Many of these no confidence votes are actually part of the big political game, but in this Canadian case, there's even a reason, or so I've understood. Perhaps it's just those aim-for-personal-benefit-cases where these votes fail. Or then not. Who am I to say, guess, not to mention know? :blink:
...70 years... LOL

#4 Tom Henrik

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 02:41 PM

Canada has actually had a liberal government since 1930 (with only 14 years off the power) LOL

But, I am still unsure what the actual scandal is. :blink:
I read that there is a scandal, but not what. Did the leaders kill small girlscouts or what? Murder the opposition?


#5 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 02:52 PM

Well thankfully with google's help here's all the info on the scandal.


Hehe the UK article had a funny quote though (link seems to be down or something on my end) mentioning how the canadian winter should play an impact on the election, heh makes it seems that our winters are really extreme. :blink:

But true enough Juni voters seem to forget many past incidents and that's unfortunate because many a time I've seen it happen and yet the ruling party gets elected, and if an opposition party does bring it up, they are accused of running a smear campaign against the ruling party, at this point it's really close and today we'll find out when the election will be, rumour is sometime in late January around the 20th or something.

And as I leave to class I leave you with another article for more info yesssss.


http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#6 DannyMc252



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Posted 29 November 2005 - 05:43 PM

Tom Henrik, on Nov 29 2005, 02:41 PM, said:

I know its tempting Tom, but Canada has no i in it!

Well, I always thought Canada was a stable country. Guess something had to happen sometime. At least they don't have as much political mess as here.
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#7 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 05:53 PM

Actually Canada is pretty stable in terms of our government actually, the last time the government fell due to a non confidence vote was in 1979, and before that there have only been 2 times since 1867 that the government was defeated in a non confidence motion. It's a good system at times when situations like this where the liberal party were governing with a minority in parliament, so if they pull off something that hurts the country the opposition can pull the plug on them.

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#8 Flop


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 06:02 PM

That's what happens when you screw with our flag. :blink:
Furthermore, it is my opinion that Carthage must be destroyed.

#9 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 06:06 PM

LOL A conspiracy, Yeah well we're still whupping you guys 2-0 in Capture the Flag. :blink:

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#10 Flop


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 07:02 PM

DeathDude, on Nov 29 2005, 08:06 PM, said:

LOL A conspiracy, Yeah well we're still whupping you guys 2-0 in Capture the Flag. :blink:
Well, at least we had a flag there, that you could steal. As I understand it, your flag just blew down by itself.  ;)
Furthermore, it is my opinion that Carthage must be destroyed.

#11 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 07:10 PM

Yeah well we got a flag there now so that's all that matters. :blink:

Getting back on topic though, found out election will be Jan 23, so christmas campaigning whoo bestest time for it. LOL

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#12 DannyMc252



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Posted 29 November 2005 - 09:50 PM

Vote for the CTF PARTY!

We promise to at least triple the score in the Operation SmallIslandWarGames CTF match against Denmark!

We shall steal their flag and host ours!

Armed guards shall be kept there at all times to prevent flag taking!


The only reason we aren't is due to crappy Danish engineering! They sent evil spies into our army to sabotage our flag flying efforts! CANADIAN ENGINEERS SHALL BE HIRED!

So vote for the CTF PARTY!
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#13 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 09:55 PM

War? War? It's a war now? LOL Bring it Denmark I say. :blink:

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,

#14 DannyMc252



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Posted 29 November 2005 - 10:31 PM

Uhm.. yeah.. its war..


So, elections in Canada. Sounds fun. Who's running?

I mean, apart from The CTF Party.
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#15 DeathDude


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 10:35 PM

Uh yeah the CTF party I'm sure they'll get a lot of votes cough. :blink:

Liberal Party- Ruling Party Left wing on political spectrum held power since 1993.

Conservative Party- Right wing ideological party, official opposition in parliament, held 2nd largest amount of seats in parliament.

NDP (New Democratic Party)- Left wing party, even more left than the liberal party but yet liberals were able to stay in power for so long with their support.

Bloc Quebecois- Seperatist Party, runs federally to in their words, express Quebec's interest federally, only runs in Quebec but always gets at least 40-50 seats anyways.

Green Party- Will run but they never win. LOL And I doubt this election will be any different.

http://www.last.fm/user/DeathDude/Upcoming Concerts will be attending, 5/10/08: Dream Theater, 5/12/08: Gigantour, 5/16/08: Nightwish, 5/27/08: Rush, 6/5/08 and 6/6/08: Iron Maiden, 7/27/08: Judas Priest,