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#1 DakaSha


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Posted 26 March 2006 - 09:34 PM


I played this very intensivly last year in january... stopped because some stuff got on my nerves but otherwise: THIS IS THE MOST REALISTIC AND DEEP FANTASY GAME EVER!!! (im almost positive)

First off its a MUD.. so you dont like muds... give it a try anyways!

Really check out the site and read the feature list. all the stuff listed there is for real. and its also free (although you can pay to make your char stronger... its possible to get just as strong without paying but takes longer).

roleplay is mandatory and EVERYBODY really really roleplays (oh and its always between 150-350 users online).

I remeber being a Sentinal (more brutal druid.) of course we had the dope (yes there are drugs... that can be harvested sold and used) so i got me some and started dealing it to the other guilds... then i got busted in my faveroute inn... BUT. actually i didnt get busted... the "cop" was also a newbie of his class and screwed up. there were these invisible dudes lurking around and they created the illusion  )yes an illusion... there are like 1000 abilitys and they all work as they should) of a transaction which got him in trouble and me mad... we didnt know at first and we were at constent war.. as a sentinel i could turn into other animals so id turn into an owl... search for him... then dive down... turn into a basilisk and start thrashing him untill we were both at very low HP then one would always take off... it was so funny :huh:. that went on for days untill his informant told him what happend... so we met up... set a truce... and went to look for those invisible guys.

that "adventure" was even more complicated then that... but it shows what this game of capable of.

i cant even really explain how realistic it is... you just have to check it out or you wont believe it.

edit: just had to get that off my back :party:

edit: here are two more funny things heh :P

1st I havnt done this but it is all possible the way im explaining it:
I wanted to get me a monkey costume (you can have any kind of garment made) then climb a tree (possible) wait for a Death Knight to come by... throw a banana at him. and when he looks up go: Ook!

2nd this has really happend:
The Achaea team was planning a new theme.... you know a world event... anyways it was supposed to be about these alien type beings coming through a portal and seaking to the different guilds about who knows what... well the first ones cam through the portal and coincidently 2 high evel Black Knights were standing there :roflol:

They slaughterd the aliens OMG

So the team had to change the theme thing around and it ended up being basicaly a world war against the alien race... hehe that was fun :drunk:

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#2 DakaSha


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 03:44 PM

if nobody tried this im going to pout

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#3 BeefontheBone


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 06:09 PM

Actually, I've been playing it too much to get round to replying :P

Slight exaggeration, but it is indeed awesome, if terribly confusing at first :huh:
QUOTE (gregor)
also consider this - the turkey *male genital*ula is called little asia on some geographical maps maps.

I'm your solar-powered princess/Your technological soulmate.

#4 MrBackAlleySka


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 06:57 PM

Heh, another Achaean eh? I've been playing it for years, but recentely have taken a break from it. Haven't had time.  I remember the Veranti (Vertani?) invasion well.

Mebbie you know me DakaSha? Name's Skeric

Esoteric Erisian Enlightener, Skeric Rousseau, the Anti-Churchie (male Chaos
Lord resembling a Xoran)
You are level 60 (Glorious) and 0% of the way to the next level.
Health: 3240/3240  Mana: 3168/3168
Endurance: 15100/15100  Willpower: 13300/13300
Strength: 12  Dexterity: 10  Constitution: 15  Intelligence: 13
You are not known for acts of infamy.
You stand tall as a proud citizen of Ashtan.
You are at the rank of 'Plebeian' in your city.
You are a full member in the Occultist class.
You are a Wayfarer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are a member of the clan called 'The Teklan Army.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Lion's Pride.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Dark Order of the Pancake.'
You are a member of the clan called 'House Aiega.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Children of the Scale.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Lady Rousseau's Garden.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Velvet Orchid Syndicate.'
You are Well-intentioned.
You are an administrator for the Unenlightened Eristic Horde in the disOrder of
Eris, Goddess of Chaos.
You are able to take on proteges.
You are 69 years old, having been born on the 5th of Sarapin, 349 years after
the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
You are carrying 169313 gold sovereigns.


I used to be an Occultist, but the changed ways with a new leader (Reznik) and began to worship Eris less and less, until not at all. They weren't what I had come to love anymore so I left my House (then called Guild) and began to belong solely to the Erisian disOrder. (I'm an Erisian IRL as well yah know. It's a real religion. The game based the ingame religion off of it. Erisianism (aka Discordianism) began back in the 50's)

I'm pretty well stuck in the game's lore too. Skeric is the grandson of Lady Indrani, Goddess of Sin? My mother, Tekla, is her daughter, and my brother Imyrr, is the guy who just won all those credits with the poster contest.

I've been thinking of going back, but i've been busy with Arcanum, and HoMM 4.

#5 DakaSha


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 07:18 PM

nah ska havnt heard of ya. i havnt played for over a year myself... this what happend:

I rose in levels very quickly... i was 19 (game age) and already a full sentinel at level 50... passed my tests with flying colors (except a mistake during my forest-walking exam) and was aiming to become a guardian (the warriors of the sentinels)...

sadly... i became addicted to the ashtan gambling parlor and lost all my cash... then i started dealing with weed so i could gamble some more... then i got busted (kind of) and lost all my weed (except for private use) and money. OMG

i stopped playing and was (really) depressed... then when i wanted to start playing again all my stuff had rotted away... so im naked with no weapons or armor... just some weed.

now i dont really feel like it anymore :roflol:

but doesnt that go to show how great this game is!? really people give it a try!
(btw my char is still alive... i check in now and then so that he isnt deleted :huh:... i invested way to much time in that guy )

edit: oh and beef yes its VERY confusing at first... i cant even play it anymore after all the time that has passed... but when i was playing i knew all the commands and could get from point A to point B without a map... it gets pretty easy with time.

i recommend using the MUSH client.. if you plan on PvP warfare youll need the scripts... they are legal and needed to fight worth a damn... its pretty cool as you basicaly program your batteling strategy :P

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#6 MrBackAlleySka


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 08:11 PM

yeh, I quit for a while too (I know that damned gambling parlor all TOO well.....) and got deperessed same as you cause I left my House that I loved, and felt like there was nothing left for me, tried coming back and all my stuff had turned to dust (I love weed too :huh: but I was a gleam addict for a while...man detox was a DEVIL....) but im thinking of coming back now that some Houses allow different classes in...mebbie.

#7 DakaSha


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Posted 31 March 2006 - 04:49 AM

just to give an idea of how serious the guilds (which are now called houses and function a little different) take membership... i had to write this for my "Sentinel Cub Test" to become accepted as a Sentinel... there were two more tests before becoming a true sentinel and then later in life you must perform tests to become either a warrior, diplomat, ect. (yes there is a fully functional political system in place that is controlled by the players) ... oh... and i know it isnt written all that great but i still got a nice grade because it contains all the stuff i had to study about the sentinels. heh... yes study :huh:  

~What it means to me, and why I have chosen to become a Sentinel~

I have always had a very deep respect for nature and the creatures
(including plants) that inhabit it. To me there is nothing worse than
the destruction of forests and especially the animals that call them
thier home. We were born by nature and so she is our mother, we are fed
by nature and so he is our provider. Almost everything we know we
learned from the creatures of Sapience and so they are our teachers. We
breathe the air of nature that will not exist anymore if we let the
forests burn. We drink the water of the streams that will become toxic
if we let the large citys refuge pits be emptied there.

And so I have chosen to become a Sentinel. I could have chosen the path
of the Druid but I chose in favour of the Sentinels due to the fact that
the Druids are to passive for my taste. I want to teach the sentient
races of Sapience to love nature... This would be impossible if I were
to sit in the forest all day(Although it would be a nice life!). I
still have a very deep respect for the Druids, they just have a
different approach to things than me.

What it means to be a Sentinel: In my eyes it means to be a proud,
strong, free, honourable protecter of the wilds. A loyal companion and
deadly but just enemy. As a Sentinel I think one should be willing to
die for a guildmate and happy to die for the forest. I think we should
work hard with our Druidic brothers and the council of Oakstone to
banish the evil of Sapience which threatens nature.

Conlusion: I have spent sleepless nights thinking what it would be like
to be a Sentinel. Although work was harder the next day from not being
rested those were fabulous nights. I have a deep respect for the guild,
not only because of its ideals, but since I have been a cub in the
guilds ranks I feel like part of a big family. It would be an honour to
be fully excepted as a true Sentinel.

It gets more complicated then that... i was also questioned by a high ranking guild member... and they like asking trick questions :P .. stuff like:

"A fellow guild member threatens the forest... what do you do?"
"Um slay him..."
"Even if you cannot prove his actions and are banished from the guild?"
"Um... (use emoticons to stand up straigt) I would slay him and be proud to have defended the forest despite what happens to me! I would leave the guild knowing I was in the right and that I have defended nature with all I can!"

God... i think i will start playing again :roflol:

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#8 Dimsey



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Posted 31 March 2006 - 10:15 PM

I played this game for a month or so awhile back, it was pretty awesome.
Only reason I'm not playing now is because I haven't played it for awhile and it would seem my accounts been deleted or some such and I'm kinda peeved I lost my character. But it's still a truely awesome game if you aren't a big graphics buff.
Currently playing
Mercs 2 (360), Spore (PC)

#9 DakaSha


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Posted 01 April 2006 - 03:53 AM

yeah that sucks... the higher your char is in level the longer the account stays active.

(another "btw"... IRE has been accoused of being evil because achaea makes people addicted... and believe me its more immersive then WoW will ever be. My title is: "Wild Dakasha, Forestel Defender"...and that actually makes me feel good. yeah i might be a unemployed *unintelligent buttocks* in real life but i can sure as hell defend a forest given the chance :huh:)

beef whats your ingame name? and what class are you striving for? ill probably start playing again.... cool if i "know" some people. oh.... and Wieczo plays it all day... i know that he will gladly assist any new players

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#10 BeefontheBone


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Posted 01 April 2006 - 03:08 PM

I've not played for a couple of days, but I'm Beefina the Runecrafter (I think...), novice of the house of Wardens.
QUOTE (gregor)
also consider this - the turkey *male genital*ula is called little asia on some geographical maps maps.

I'm your solar-powered princess/Your technological soulmate.

#11 Juni Ori

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Posted 01 April 2006 - 03:18 PM

Just joined... I'm very confused. This may be good game, but I have doubts and at least it will take time... a lot. Well, anyways, I'm Carador, Infernal Troll.
...70 years... LOL

#12 DakaSha


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Posted 01 April 2006 - 03:23 PM

yeah it will take time... but it grows on you.

there are minus points no doubt... leveling is very tedius for example... but remember... this game isnt just about combat... its also about just living in the world

(hey juni... i should look for you with my level 50 nature protector and tear you apart :huh:)

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#13 WaAn



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Posted 01 April 2006 - 08:56 PM


He is 18 years old, having been born on the 25th of Daedalan, 400 years after
the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
He is unranked in Achaea.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is not known for acts of infamy.
He is a Villager in Shallam.
He is considered to be approximately equal to your might.
He is a Sightseer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are level 5 (Achaean) and 0% of the way to the next level.
Health: 545/545  Mana: 550/550
Endurance: 1625/1625  Willpower: 1400/1400
Strength: 13  Dexterity: 9  Constitution: 15  Intelligence: 12
You are not known for acts of infamy.
You stand tall as a proud citizen of Shallam.
You are at the rank of 'Villager' in your city.
You are a fledgling in the Paladin class.
You are a Sightseer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are Neutral..

I have just started playing it. Pretty fun
user posted image

#14 wieczo


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Posted 02 April 2006 - 02:14 PM

Hey, DakaSha just told me that here's an achaea thread.
I played a Sentinel for a long time, but I quitted because I had to do more in the real world and i got a little depressed because of the game. Now I am playing a Mhaldorian monk(Alexan) and it is fun again, try it if you haven't tried it yet.

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