Posted 07 August 2005 - 05:15 PM
kinda like a space-sim roguelike

For all you artists here... and we have enough. Please draw me something :D Click Here. If possible include your nick. A simple Test. dunno of the PICKLEWAESEL order!!1!2
Posted 08 August 2005 - 01:28 AM
Posted 08 August 2005 - 01:40 AM
ok i found out how to change it and i must say...

this is just way too friggen cool!
oh its only the basic "framework" thats been finished too in the authors words... wonder what the full version will be like
For all you artists here... and we have enough. Please draw me something :D Click Here. If possible include your nick. A simple Test. dunno of the PICKLEWAESEL order!!1!2
Posted 08 August 2005 - 09:51 AM

Don't forget that those barrels and chips of which you don't know what's in them can be used on your ship. This can have negative and positive effects, from dmaaging your hull to permanently enhancing your weapons.
People propably knew this already, but I just thought I'd bring it up.

Wonderfull sig and avvie by Taikara :D
Posted 08 August 2005 - 10:17 AM

For all you artists here... and we have enough. Please draw me something :D Click Here. If possible include your nick. A simple Test. dunno of the PICKLEWAESEL order!!1!2
Posted 14 August 2005 - 08:09 AM
The hitchhiker's guide to Transcendence. Spoilers abound.
The weapon enhancement devices are some of the best items in the game. I got most of the way through the game before it ceased to amuse me using a dual turbolaser, and had found class 6 weapons that weren't as good.
Escort missions become infinitely easier if you have a dual or triple-fire weapon before accepting them - such a weapon will let you destroy the enemy ships at range more easily, preventing damage to the ship you're escorting. When escort mission values hit 5000, stop taking them unless you're a certified super-genius. The 5k value missions give the opposition missiles, and they ignore you. The missiles are fired from offscreen, and it only takes a couple to take out your charge.
How to win fights: shoot enemies from offscreen. The combination of this, powerful shields, and the aforementioned dual turbolaser resulted in the game becoming very boring for me.
Shields are king. Armor should be at the bottom of your priority list; a sufficient shield can render you effectively invulnerable. 'slow' regeneration means 'this shield is worthless'. The regeneration rate is why shields are unbalanced.
If you take the second Commonwealth Fortress mission, make sure to have an amount of firepower I'll arbitrarily designate "lots". I had sufficient shielding to be able to ignore the escorts, so I spent the entire time pounding on the slaver ship with my +100% dual turbolasers. It ignored me. (This was the straw that broke the camel's back as far as my entertainment went.)
Cargo bays sound good on paper. They're better in reality; 100 tons of cargo space!
Overall, this game was a lot of fun until I figured out how to break it. Then it was boring, with one spot of serious irritation that ended the game for me. Remind me to come back in a year and see if development's gone anywhere.
Given how many of the games on this site are (permanently) in development, it might be a good idea to revisit them on the front page if they significantly change.
Posted 07 October 2005 - 02:09 PM
stijnelijn, on Oct 6 2005, 09:38 PM, said:
Its a fun little game, but misses 1 huge thing, you can,t chance ships. Once they made the version where your able to do that its worth the download.
svlad your probably right.... i shouldnt have jumped the gun on the quality of the game. BUT it is a fun game (mabye like you said: untill you break it). and i hope the author balances it out some. (it is the guy who made that anachreon game btw.)
For all you artists here... and we have enough. Please draw me something :D Click Here. If possible include your nick. A simple Test. dunno of the PICKLEWAESEL order!!1!2
Posted 07 October 2005 - 07:24 PM
My criticisms are valid, but there's a good reason I don't contribute reviews to this site, despite being able to write fairly well. (I think..)
I have a *very* different experience playing most games than 99% of players will. I think in the hands of someone less devoted to understanding game mechanics and twisting them 'til they scream, Transcendence would be a fun game. *all* games are puzzle games for me, in a sense..
If you want an example of just how weird I am, read the thread on Lost Labyrinth.
Now back to my regularly scheduled lurking!

Posted 07 October 2005 - 10:57 PM
For all you artists here... and we have enough. Please draw me something :D Click Here. If possible include your nick. A simple Test. dunno of the PICKLEWAESEL order!!1!2
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