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Juni Ori

Posted 09 November 2006 - 09:20 AM

Actually I was thinking about Half-Life too and how surprising it lack was, but thought that perhaps there's not enough older fans of that genre who would remember it.

Nace, the reason why OFP has such an aiming system is simple: to give realism. Ever noticed how that "true aim" point comes behind, simulating the slower movement of arms than eyes? And yes, the heavier, the slower it is. Or so it at least should be, I never had time to notice because I'm always shooting aimed. Which by the way solves that aiming issue of yours, but brings in another: you can't move fast. Well, realism is a thing you either like or hate. Or then the solutions how makers have tried to reach realism.


Posted 08 November 2006 - 10:22 PM

None of my favourites made it to the TOP 10. Not even close. :borg:

I guess that`s probably because I rated games for PC, PlayStation, Sega Genesis,
Arcade Mashines :sneaky:

Have you guys/girls played some of the Silent Hill series? I personaly love them...

Yes, I was a bit supprised when I calculated Operation Flashpoint got that high place on the table. I love first person shooters, and I started playing OFP, but it didn`t actually impressed me that much. It`s not that the graphics were bad, etc.
I didn`t like that the mouse was used more for aiming than looking around - you know what I`m talking about - The cursor wasn`t  "sticked" in the middle of the screen, so that I didn`t like most.

The controls were a bit complicated, but a man can get used to them...

It was a bit of a suprise to me that NOBODY nominated Half-Life  :P

Don`t you guys remember Gordon Freeman? OMG
How about Opposing Force? Shepard? :)


Posted 08 November 2006 - 08:54 PM

Yeah think because this site is freeware focused that there is a big aspect why the RL's got so much support, but ah wells it's just a list doesn't really mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, other than bragging rights. :sneaky:


Posted 08 November 2006 - 07:53 PM

RLs are probably slightly over-represented on here, but that's because there's a number of users here who really like them, like me, AJ, greywolf and Daka. I always feel I have to stick up for Zangband when the ADOM-lovers show up :sneaky:


Posted 08 November 2006 - 07:05 PM

I'm holding off to send him a postcard from somewhere further on than the first village :sneaky:

I don't seem to have much luck with that game at all...


Posted 08 November 2006 - 06:25 PM

I like the idea of a freeware game beating the other 8 commerical titles. :sneaky:

And yes, I know UFO and Steel Sky are now free, but I mean to begin with, ADoM has always been freeware. Has anyone sent Mr. Biskup a postcard, by any chance? I haven't gotten around to mine yet...

Juni Ori

Posted 08 November 2006 - 05:18 PM

Thinking about it, it is actually quite much, but then again we are freeware society, so I guess that explains a lot...

A. J. Raffles

Posted 08 November 2006 - 05:03 PM

View PostTulac, on Nov 8 2006, 04:59 PM, said:

So many roguelikes, are they that good?
So many?:sneaky: I can only see two...


Posted 08 November 2006 - 04:59 PM

So many roguelikes, are they that good?

Juni Ori

Posted 08 November 2006 - 11:28 AM

I would had laughed if somebody would had guessed that OFP gets that high - it's great game, but underrated.

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