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Posted 16 September 2010 - 06:48 AM

  I represent a group of vetrans,at the Minneapolis Vetrans Home
and we just down loaded Lost Valley.
  We enjoy the game,BUT,we're confused...!We need a walkthrough!
We would realy be greatful if you could help us!

                    THANX'S So Much Bill King

    Have you Ladies and Gentillmen forgot the VET's out Here in Minnesota???
    We await a response to our request as the day's go by!
We sure would like a walk through of LOST VALLEY.It realy is driving the guy's NUT"S,  {AND THEIR DRIVING ME COOCOO too !!!].

    Please, to save my sanity your help is most needed.

..................................................................AGAIN THANX BILLKING...............

P.S. Please reply to this e-mail address,Abandonia rules to us !


Posted 30 November 2007 - 05:05 AM

I am absolutely stuck on this game, maybe someone who's gotten far can help me.  

I'm in the Syn Desert, and I just beat the sand monster that sinks into the ground and you have to kill him 4 times.  So... what now?  I can't figure out the "Big stone on Small Stone" puzzle and I can't find anything else to do.  I'm totally stumped here?

el loco

Posted 08 July 2007 - 11:36 AM

anyone an idea why i can't save anymore ?


Posted 02 December 2006 - 06:38 AM

All kinds of spoilers:

The location of all of the important items can be found here: http://www.victoryga...pic.php?p=10323. This is helpful for when you find something new that lets you access areas that you saw a while back, but can't remember exactly where.

el loco

Posted 01 December 2006 - 08:34 AM

anyone knows where i can find the platnum shiield or some better armor/sword cause now i keep gtting beaten in he swalmp and i don't fel like gaining nothe 70K of XP before i level


Posted 01 December 2006 - 01:17 AM

Now, I'm only 7 crystals in, but here are general pointers I've picked up through my travels:

(Mild spoiler warning, although they are more like hints/tips/tricks)

If you can't seem to hit a switch where you are, or getting there seems impossible, you either need to go around to get to it, or it's just a decoy switch. There are decoy keys as well.

The side of the door that the color is on, is the side that the switch is on. So sometimes you have to go under/over and around the door to hit the switch or get the key.

At dead ends and strange looking places, always check for hidden ladders and break-away walls. HINT: If you duck, you can hit the ground. There are cases of break-away ground.

Head bosses are pretty tough. You have two options: Grind out a level (which I've admittedly done before) or TAKE YOUR TIME. It's a platformer in dungeons, and the thing about platformers is to look for patterns and exploit the weaknesses. This is very important, especially with Darkon. He swings his tail when he walks away, and he tends to shoot things out of his mouth nearby. There is plenty of time between attacks to rough him up a bit. Also, he swings his tail when he recovers from shock, so back off early.

All of these things took me a while to learn. Enjoy the wisdom.

el loco

Posted 30 November 2006 - 09:07 AM

View Posttito1337, on Nov 26 2006, 08:45 PM, said:

Personally, I can't seem to beat Darkon, the giant T-Rex boss. Does anyone have any pointers? My problem is that I just don't have enough Magic points to stun him enough to kill him. Thanks

i keep on getting beat 2 but i just beat the hel out him to stun him then used wirlwind to hit him fat i only got 1 ajor problem i keep gtting beaten when i only need to hit him 1 more time


Posted 27 November 2006 - 02:23 PM

View Postel loco, on Nov 25 2006, 06:49 AM, said:

then how do i get past that second door at the bottom of the dungeon i get stuck there every time

Well, the dungeon collapsed after I beat it, so I can't check for you, but if I remember correctly, there is an invisible ladder somewhere near the switch that is stuck behind the wall. In one of the rooms you reach by using the invisible ladder, there is a breakable wall. In the room behind the breakable wall, there is another switch you can use.

el loco

Posted 27 November 2006 - 10:05 AM

View Posttito1337, on Nov 26 2006, 08:45 PM, said:

View Postel loco, on Nov 25 2006, 06:49 AM, said:

anyone got a clue hot to flip that switch surounded by iceblocks because i get stuck in the latter parts of the dungeon

I'm not sure which switch you're talking about, but if it's the switch in the ice dungeon that is embedded in the wall; you can't activate it. There is a hidden passage or ladder somewhere nearby you can use instead. Hit all the walls and check for hidden ladders. If I remember correctly, you may even have to find a hidden ladder then within that hidden area, find a breakable wall.

Personally, I can't seem to beat Darkon, the giant T-Rex boss. Does anyone have any pointers? My problem is that I just don't have enough Magic points to stun him enough to kill him. Thanks

then how do i get past that second door at the bottom of the dungeon i get stuck there every time

Dan Dairam

Posted 27 November 2006 - 05:08 AM

Can anyone give me the specifics of what to do after getting the third crystal? It's probably something obvious, but I'm good at missing things like that.

Also, fun fact: If you go into the options menu and hit enter a few times, you'll access the debug menu, for those folks who want to play around.

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