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There have been 13 items by TheSmyth (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#1981 Voicework

Posted by TheSmyth on 16 May 2005 - 01:43 PM in Forum Guidelines

I'll help out if you need.

British accent, Nothern type (lancs / scouser / geordie etc..) but I'm told I can do a very posh "James Bond type" english. And I can do camp-welsh. (No matter what I do... It always sounds camp :) )

#1976 Cooking

Posted by TheSmyth on 16 May 2005 - 12:41 PM in Forum Guidelines

Yeah, I can cook.. I do most of it in our house.

Not really much of a fancy chef though. Whatever's left in the cupboards and fridge just always seems to go together, but everyone always tells me it's good.

My best dish woul dprobably have to be stir-fry, but I have to admit that it's probably the easiets thing in the world to make though. :)

N.B. Lets hope this post stays this time - 2nd Time i've posted it

#1968 Vanishing Posts?

Posted by TheSmyth on 16 May 2005 - 08:35 AM in Forum Guidelines

      I can't get into the abandonia forum at the moment either.

#1966 Vanishing Posts?

Posted by TheSmyth on 16 May 2005 - 08:31 AM in Forum Guidelines

Is it just me, or have posts been vanishing from the forum?

I posted Yesterday in the "tattoo and piercings" "cooking" and "voice acting" discussions, but today they're gone?

It's as if yesterday never happened???? :)

"Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo" (Thinks Twiglight Zone)

Edit: And I've just noticed my post count has dropped to 13! Why's that?

#1609 The Good Wife's Guide

Posted by TheSmyth on 12 May 2005 - 07:08 AM in Forum Guidelines

R Havell, on May 12 2005, 06:58 AM, said:


Now if I could just get my other-half to believe that even one of those was remotely true, My life woul dbe so much easier. :)

#1384 Afterafterlife

Posted by TheSmyth on 11 May 2005 - 02:03 PM in Forum Guidelines

I thought mausoleums were only for royalty :) , and Elvis and stuff?
I'm pretty sure no-one in my family has ever been buried in one of them.

I'd better start saving up if I want a concrete coffin.

#1274 Good/bad People

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 07:01 PM in Forum Guidelines

I'd have to agree with the "perception" point of view....

I.e. The USA thinks it's a force for good. But I'm damn well convinced that a few foregin countries are pretty certain satan himself runs it. ;)

But it raises the question of anti-heroes... Take "Riddick" from Pitch-Black (and CO Riddick of course)...... Murderer, Theif, Self-Proclaimed evil bastard, but is he still a good-guy? :)

#1271 Afterafterlife

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 06:52 PM in Forum Guidelines

Tulac, on May 10 2005, 02:58 PM, said:

Too bad today we're buried inside concrete graves...
Who gets buried in concrete graves? :)

#1187 Who Do You Think Is Cooler?

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 01:59 PM in Forum Guidelines

But at least Denton learns.. What does snake do but repeat the same actions for the whole series of games?

"Oh look, a gaurd... I'll just wait until this radar tells me he can't see me and snap his neck... Then I'll drag him behind this tank, and do the same to the next gaurd.."

That said, I do still enjoy the Snake games. :)

#1186 Afterafterlife

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 01:55 PM in Forum Guidelines

IMHO I like the theory from the NecroScope books:

When you die, you carry on being in death what you were in life. Albeit without a body.
A mathematician goes on doing maths, a scientist continues pondering the universe, a games designer goes on designing the best game he's ever thought of etc....         But they can never do anything about it.
Wouldn't that be most peoples idea of heaven? To continue doing in what you most loved after you die?

But I can't say I believe it. Personally I think when you die, you're worm food, and that's it. Not very optimistic, I know, but I'm a realist.
Anyway, I never intend to die... someone better invent an imortality machine within the next few decades though, because I'll be damned if I want to live forever with the body of a 65 year old! :)

#1184 If You Made A Freeware Game...

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 01:49 PM in Forum Guidelines

Given unlimited time, processing power and skills. My ideal freeware project would be a MMORPG, but set in the modern day - A cross between Mafia and Sci-Fi.

Plotline: The world is run by syndicates (of all different races - Human / Alien / Vampire etc), everyone starts out as a worker for one of the larger syndicates until they get the chance to branch out on their own. After that they can either buy / take over their own patch, and control all of the territory and businesses within it.
You don't only have to go out leveling up and taking out the opposition, but you also have to control your territory (a bit sim-city style)
Eventually you'll become big enough to start recruiting your own new members, and running gang-wars with the other syndicates. All the time vying for control of as much territory as possible. And watching your back for the newbie that you hired today sticking a knife in your back tommorrow.

Obviously you also control your wardrobe, your image, and will have to collect an arsenal of weaponry to keep yourself in business.

#1182 Who Do You Think Is Cooler?

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 01:35 PM in Forum Guidelines

Denton.    Definitely.
Ultra-cool and cybernetically enhanced.

Not to mention Snake can't even use a sniper rifle without a little something to calm his nerves. :)

#1181 Avatars And Signatures Reloaded

Posted by TheSmyth on 10 May 2005 - 01:31 PM in Forum Guidelines

Puffin: avatar 7/10
Iron ScareCrow: avatar 6/10 (+ 2 point bonus for having the idea just to use a corner of the picture.... Always wondered what exactly it was, thought it was part of a signature or something) :)