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#72161 Windows 7

Posted by Sean on 09 August 2009 - 11:58 PM in Forum Guidelines

Not likely.

I bought Vista last year.

Honestly, I'm a little rattled that the people that actually bothered to invest in Vista, and tide MS over are the one's that lose out.

Whats that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?

No. It's Microsoft followed by a slap in the face.

Unsurprisingly, Windows 7 isn't here in time for the start of the new academic year.

A lackluster student-laptop line-up, coupled with a 'buy-in' to a soon to be retired operating system makes for a wholly unattractive deal. So much so, that I'm actually considering buying an Apple iBook.

There is no way I will pay for Vista twice in 18 months, and then 'upgrade' to Windows 7 shortly thereafter.

Especially now that M$ are talking openly about plans for a 2-4 year life cycle for each OS.

#71672 Which Super Power Would You Choose

Posted by Sean on 14 July 2009 - 04:03 PM in Forum Guidelines

I'd settle for flying as well.

It'd open doors.

I could join a circus.

Strap a car seat on my back and start a taxi service.

Ah... so many things to do. So little time.

#71671 Google Chrome

Posted by Sean on 14 July 2009 - 03:54 PM in Forum Guidelines

Not using Chrome as of yet, I'm convinced that in a few years it could actually close out IE or Firefox.

It's google, after all.

I was interested in it at first, but I heard there were some concerns regarding privacy,cookies and things like that.

I didn't have time to look into it myself and to be honest I'm pretty happy with Firefox.

What makes it worth the switch?

#71670 Mental Repairs

Posted by Sean on 14 July 2009 - 03:44 PM in Games on Reloaded

I'm still yet to sit down with it (busy,busy!) but I hope to get the chance to soon.

This kind of 'odd' game is what I like most about the freeware scene.

I doubt this would get far as a commercial project, something seemingly original for once.

Here's hoping it's as good as it looks, I'll pop back with my feedback after I've given it a spin.

#71654 Mental Repairs

Posted by Sean on 12 July 2009 - 02:41 PM in Games on Reloaded

For the first time in ages, an interesting looking game has hit the front page. I'll have to check this out when I get time. I like the concept :whistle:

#71606 Sean's Graphics Gallery (art)

Posted by Sean on 04 July 2009 - 11:16 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

Here's a piece of crap I cooked up recently, trying to get the hang of photoshop again. I got fed up pretty quickly, and decided to turn it off for a few days. I'll rustle up some renewed interest sometime soon.

What's interesting about this post, (if it is at all interesting) is that it shows how easily a concept/image can change over time.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

I'll keep this PSD kicking around, as I think the 'core' of it is nice enough. May serve as an interesting background for something more polished in the future. I've already cooked up a few variations in response to Nicks Userbar Thread.

Which you can see here: http://www.reloaded....amp;#entry71604

#71604 Nick's Userbar Workshop

Posted by Sean on 04 July 2009 - 11:11 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

Inspired by this thread, I threw together this craptastic pair of images from a recent image of mine.

Here's the userbar: Posted Image

Here's the pisstake-parody-bar: Posted Image

Here's the source image (in various stages): http://www.reloaded....h...5&start=195

Sorry if you feel like this is a hijack, just thought I'd share my doodles with the person that spawned the images of inspiration.


- Seanipops

#71600 Post Your Desktop

Posted by Sean on 04 July 2009 - 10:24 PM in Forum Guidelines

Posted Image

Here's my desktop, in a slightly cleaner state than usual. That little folder called 'Desktop Folders' has a few hundred items that usually sit all over my desktop cluttering up the screen!

The background is a placeholder, that I brushed up in a few minutes because I couldn't find anything 'nice' to fit the skin/theme I am using.

Of course, the best part of my desktop cannot be displayed in picture form.

My computer talks to me, with a ROBOT VOICE!

P.S - As an aside (and totally off topic), most of the Vista Haters I have come across expect good performance from PC parts I wouldn't want to wipe my ass with.

Buy a decent rig, update to Vista SP 2 and learn to optimize your system. Unless of course you're just anti-windows. At least then your trolling is understandable. No more correct mind you.

For those that are "Windows fans", please remember that XP was just as bad at launch.

Worst thing about Vista? The few thousand people that actually took a gamble, upgraded, and enjoyed a new operating system have to pay all over again, for a minor update in the shape of Windows 7.

Whilst the moronic masses change their tune, with the arrival of a new name.

That's not to say Vista doesn't have its fair share of problems. It's far from perfect.

Just remember this:

A £5 budget for a PC system will always leave you feeling underwhelmed.

#71472 New Skin?

Posted by Sean on 24 June 2009 - 10:56 PM in Suggestions & Comments

Did things ever get fixed?

#71367 Disable Pm's

Posted by Sean on 12 June 2009 - 08:44 PM in Suggestions & Comments

Question incoming: Has this 'update', or work-around had any impact on the total-size of our Inbox Folder's?

"Your folders are 142% full.."

I have the same amount of messages (with no spam bots,etc) as the last time I logged in.

There's no way my Inbox was 142% full before :whistle:

Is the PM system disabled for all members?

If so, is it not worth me clearing my PM's to below 100%?


- Sean

#69934 Ar Forums

Posted by Sean on 10 February 2009 - 03:29 PM in Important Announcements

Sounds like good news!

'Culling' the forum sounds like a great idea, not one I had even considered though!

Hope it goes well :D

#69831 My (extended!) Absence

Posted by Sean on 06 February 2009 - 01:04 AM in Forum Guidelines

Heyas Wolf,

Nice to have an update. I hope your enjoying yourself, sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Now that you've gotten that off your chest, hopefully you'll find it easier to visit us as and when you can. Would be nice to see you kicking around again :D

Good luck with everything, I hope it's going well.

- Sean

#69830 Vip User Groups

Posted by Sean on 06 February 2009 - 01:00 AM in Important Announcements


I've picked up Perfect World recently. It's a free to play Japanese mmo. Micro-transaction model, but wholly free to play unless you WANT to spend money on it. There is enough of a 'game' there, to be worth playing without spending any money.

Similarly, I submitted a review for Anarchy Online, a MMO that is both free to play, and pay to play.

Free to play access extends to the original game, forever. You can then upgrade to 3-4 expansions packs, and a monthly fee. Again, the 'original' pack was actually pay to play in the past so there is enough content their to warrant a posting on the website.

@Frodo - I have a new PC so I can't resubmit those reviews. Not to worry, Anarchy Online could do with a re-write as I've actually hit the end-game content now too.

I take it I'm okay to work on games from other sources as well? There were a couple freeware games mentioned in my copy of Edge recently that sound interesting!

If PW, and AO sound review-worthy, I'll knock those out this weekend. Or at the very least, make a solid start at them!

#69808 Vip User Groups

Posted by Sean on 05 February 2009 - 04:28 PM in Important Announcements

I like what you say.

Can't wait to see the site 'up and running' again.

If banners are out of the equation for now, what can I do to contribute to the 'Reloaded:Reloaded' ?

Reviews seem to be the most obvious answer, but I've never had much luck with them. Written a few, and it's a lengthy process to say the least. Two, three are still kicking around from over a year ago!

I will of course, give it another go. Anything else we can do to help out?

Pass me the keys to the bulldozer plox, i will smash dah ViPZ in maISelF!

#69802 Vip User Groups

Posted by Sean on 05 February 2009 - 02:40 PM in Important Announcements

Hello There!

Been a long time since I actually posted anything here. 'tis a shame.

An attempt to revive the forums sounds like a good idea, as much as I visit this site I find it hard to actually contribute to the forums anymore. Far too quiet, and if I'm frank, not really all that fun anymore either. It's a shame, because the vibe used to be a whole lot better!

For me, the first thing we need to fix is the stupid 'default' skin. Until that's out of the way, I don't think playing around with the little details will have the impact we want. Since the boards were 'upgraded' I've almost stopped visiting entirely. Which is weird, as I used to check in weekly, and sometimes even daily. It just HURTS to look at the current forums.

In it's current form, I support the idea to abolish VIP status . At least in the short run, until the whole community comes together and is more active again.

There are suggestions that retaining a 'VIP' membership, or group has lead, or may lead to division of members. I think that's balls.

VIP was designed as a 'incentive' or 'reward' for some of our more active members that had contributed to the website. The idea behind it is solid. If we can convince some of the lazier members (like me!) to actually put some stuff together for the site that can only be a good thing. Having VIP status does encourage members to sustain some throughput of work. For non VIP's, it acts as something to work towards.

However, given the current state of the forum there isn't any need for a 'private forum'. Unlike the bigger sites, we're not competing for 'screen-time' in the main forums. Anything we want to say, will be seen. A small/tight-nit community isn't something we need to put in a private forum. At the moment, we have the foundations in place to build that vibe for ourselves in the main forum(s).

My only concern with the removal of my VIP status relates directly to content contribution. My favorite thing about being a VIP is that I am encouraged to submit my own Banners, and Interviews. This is something that is only open to Crew, and VIPs at this moment in time.

Banner submission is one privilege I would like to keep, If it's a possibility, please consider it.