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#69876 My (extended!) Absence

Posted by greywolf on 08 February 2009 - 07:28 AM in Forum Guidelines

@Everyone: Thanks for the warm greetings, it means a lot to me. :]

I'll try to stop by every once in a while, but considering this is the first opportunity I've had to log back in since I first posted, we'll see.

#69811 My (extended!) Absence

Posted by greywolf on 05 February 2009 - 07:50 PM in Forum Guidelines

Hi everyone (that remembers me),

It has been a long time.

Let me start by explaining where I've been for the last year and a half. In the fall of 2007, I started going to college. (Digipen Institute of Technology, if you're curious.) During first couple months, I had plenty of time and enjoyed working on the site and being a part of the community and stuff, until the courseload started ramping up. By the middle of the semester, I didn't really have a lot of free time to spare, and the time that I did was spent with my grandparents (since I live with them) and taking a break from homework. My (personal) computer died in the winter, and due to complications with hardware, I wasn't able to get a new computer until the middle of the second semester, at which point the workload was even greater than first semester.

Every so often I would think of AR, but quickly shove the thought out of my mind, mostly because I felt guilty about not prepping games for the site and stuff, and didn't want to post on the forums while I wasn't able to do any of that.

I worked through the summer and definitely had time to spare, but still didn't feel like coming back to the site, mostly because of guilt that piled up through the school year. Then this school year started (sophomore year), and I've been too busy to even think about AR.

I don't mean to offer excuses for not prepping games and stuff, and I know the site has definitely suffered in my absence - I haven't gone though the forums to see what's been happening recently, but the loss of a full-time prepper is a large blow, especially when they leave with no indication of when they're going to return. I hope you accept my apology for not letting you guys know that I didn't have time/didn't feel like prepping sometimes.

I would love to be a part of AR again, but I literally have no time this year, and I predict that it's going to be that way until I graduate (and even then, I don't know what sort of time I will have). I don't think I will be able to serve you guys as a mod any longer until real life opens up - it would be a disservice to AR and the community.

I've floated around the internet a lot, never sticking around in one place for very long, but you guys definitely made the difference for when I was involved here - even to the point where I stuck around from when I found AR to when stuff in real life got in the way. I only wish real life wasn't so demanding - I don't like being busy, even if it's with something I enjoy ( like programming).

Anyway, that's my deal.