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There have been 2 items by Eagle of Fire (Search limited from 23-June 23)

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#86312 Battlecruiser Millennium

Posted by Eagle of Fire on 09 February 2012 - 10:41 PM in Games on Reloaded

Don't worry Frodo. I'm not surprised at all, this game learning curve is so steep it practically goes 90 degrees... :/

That won't stop me though. The bugs and constant crashes coupled with a lack of autosaving will however probably eventually do...

#86291 Battlecruiser Millennium

Posted by Eagle of Fire on 07 February 2012 - 01:35 AM in Games on Reloaded

Believe it or not but in a day in which I really had nothing to do I looked around for a new game to try and I stopped on this one.

I am afraid that it is true that this game is really badly done. I would not rate it higher than a 2 and even that is a lot... But at the same time this game is challenging and quite addicting so I still continue to play it. :D

So, anybody have hints and tips about what to do in this game? I didn't like the roam mode idea because I need a goal to be able to be efficient in a game. I thought the campaign would thus be a good idea but so far it looks like the game would be way more enjoyable if I wasn't tied to do missions and such.

So far I learned that the only viable way to go in this game is send your flagship alone at a set destination point for the mission then jump the AE in a shuttle and start doing selling runs. About half an hour of boring trade between Earth and Syrius net enough money to purchase about 30-35 fighters or mining drones and you have enough time to do that and get back to your ship for mission two.

The most stupid part of this game I learned the hard way is that your capital ship is not really "capital" in any way. You are always better to get a ship which can field fighters because a few fighters can easily down a "capital" ship in a few seconds. Fighters and fighter pilots die/get destroyed just as easily but of course they are way easier to replace/clone.

What about the exploration part of this game? Anything interesting to find out once you're set free to "roam" the map?