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#3765 Indiana Jones & The Crown Of Solomon

Posted by 'Scaahz on 23 June 2005 - 01:21 PM in Work in Progress


My grandparents are masons too.
It must be something in the water :)

....And as for the infernal machine- not my cup of tea. Give me fine leather jackets to sell any day over trying to shoot things (Mostly because I miss though! )

#3714 Buccaneer 2

Posted by 'Scaahz on 22 June 2005 - 09:43 AM in Work in Progress

I liked Buccaneer too - It had quite an original story for an "ameteur" adventure game. It really whetted my appetite, so I thought it was a shame it was so short, but I guess that will be fixed when number 2 is released!
Didn't know there was a demo ready - Am off to check it out now :)

#3713 Indiana Jones & The Crown Of Solomon

Posted by 'Scaahz on 22 June 2005 - 09:38 AM in Work in Progress

They didn't fade away as such - more like they morphed into horrendous action games, like "The infernal machine"... 'Infernal' was definitely the right word for it. But I guess someone out here must enjoy them, some people are into that kind of thing  :)

(By the way, my Granddad's a mason, and these days it's not all cloak and dagger stuff, they do community based philanthropic stuff. Besides, he's got a new plastic hip, so hopping on one leg for some funky handshake-type-ritual would be impossible!  ;) )

#3123 The Eye Of The Kraken

Posted by 'Scaahz on 08 June 2005 - 12:00 PM in Game & Software Requests

Sweet! - Glad to hear that Kon Tiki...
And as for the review, I just may do that  :)

#3117 The Eye Of The Kraken

Posted by 'Scaahz on 08 June 2005 - 04:28 AM in Game & Software Requests

Hi all!  :)
I was wondering if you might consider looking into picking up the game "The Eye Of The Kraken" - It's a freeware adventure game by a group whose name escapes me, but I'm pretty sure they are Canadian. The game comes in French, English and Spanish and is really clever and funny!
Basically your character needs to solve a theft/mystery involving a ritualistic octopus whilst stuck on an ocean-going boat (christened, "The Glutomax"!) along with a cast of insane characters - For example, the Voodoo magician who once served Napoleon, Ophelia (Of Hamlet fame),Rasputin the mad monk, just to name  a few.
It's one of the better games of this type I've played in a long while  ;)

Anyways - Love this re-loaded version, go for gold!