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There have been 89 items by Iendicis (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#54122 Rise Of Nations

Posted by Iendicis on 26 September 2007 - 04:02 AM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Ironically I just gave it a shot very recently, and the game really is a lot of fun. My comp can't run it very well (shame shame) but the gameplay is so good and complex, I was in a really good mood when I was done with my first game.

#53892 Assault Cube

Posted by Iendicis on 19 September 2007 - 09:14 PM in Games on Reloaded

View Postgregor, on Sep 19 2007, 08:46 AM, said:

lack of music? ha! pro's dont' listen to music durign these games. how are you going to hear the footsteps otherwise?!? ;)
Someone didn't read the review before making a witty observation, hmm?

#53869 Assault Cube

Posted by Iendicis on 18 September 2007 - 09:46 PM in Games on Reloaded

Another one!



EDIT: Note that UT2K4 had only seven maps; my number was off by two.

#53809 Vantage Master Online

Posted by Iendicis on 16 September 2007 - 09:11 PM in Games on Reloaded

I like this game...

I sure used parenthesis a lot in the review. ;)

#53676 Orange Box

Posted by Iendicis on 12 September 2007 - 09:40 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

I played the first HL and loved it, and played the demo of the second game and loved it. Much too lazy and poor to pick up the rest, though (hopefully someone I know will pi8ck up this box ;)).

#53501 C&c 12th Anniversary! Download C&c Gold Free

Posted by Iendicis on 07 September 2007 - 03:48 AM in Game & Software Requests

Well, I d/l'ed it and fired it up, and...damn. The first intro movie is probably the funniest thing I've watched in a while, and the game itself is a lot of fun. The music is excellent, as well as the voice acting and real-life acting. The graphics are aged, but that's the only thing bad about it.

Very nice. Ten out of ten, A+ gold star!

#53500 Openarena

Posted by Iendicis on 07 September 2007 - 03:06 AM in Games on Reloaded

View PostBlood-Pigggy, on Sep 6 2007, 02:27 PM, said:

I didn't think the base gameplay was very enjoyable, there's little to no personality in the basic game, even with the update that came out recently, Quake III on the other hand did have some personality that made it more enjoyable.

The game feels bland without the user created content, that was my point.

Personality I must agree with. Quake III had some great...mojo, perhaps? A overall theme to everything. This remake doesn't have that addition, and it does make the game less professional. I still like the gameplay, though, in moderation. :P

And I can't stand Nexuiz. Horrible interface, boring maps, soulless models, and a really bad engine to top it all off.

#53464 Openarena

Posted by Iendicis on 06 September 2007 - 01:35 AM in Games on Reloaded


I certainly don't agree that the only thing worth playing is user created. The base game is simply fine, and it brings me back to playing Quake III so long ago, back before I lost my CD Key. It may be old, but it's not bad for it. At least it's better than Nexuiz or Alien Arena.

I do agree that the game does get old after a while, and isn't for a long play period. Half an hour period between other worthy multiplayer fraggers, or a good warm up? Heck yes!

#53401 C&c 12th Anniversary! Download C&c Gold Free

Posted by Iendicis on 04 September 2007 - 02:28 AM in Game & Software Requests

View PostFrodo, on Sep 3 2007, 06:30 PM, said:

View PostBlood-Pigggy, on Sep 3 2007, 11:30 PM, said:

Haha, who doesn't own the original C&C by this point though?
*sticks hand up*  Me!  I don't own it.  I had a demo for it years ago, and found it very boring.   :P
I have the C+C Battleset, which had Renegade, Red Alert 2, Tiberium Sun, and two expansions. I gave TS to a friend who cared more about it than I, and I still have RA and thought it was fun for a while. Renegade is awesome, though, especially online. ;) Never did get anythibg else in the series, though, other than a RA1 demo.

But I ask you: with me owning RA2, is this worth downloading?

#53393 Ubisoft Giving Out Free Games!

Posted by Iendicis on 03 September 2007 - 10:39 PM in Forum Guidelines

View PostBlood-Pigggy, on Sep 3 2007, 05:32 PM, said:

How nice of them, now everyone can enjoy three overrated crappy games.
Shut up, buttface. PoP was great.

It turned PoP from a boring, overly difficult 2D piece of crap and made it a fun, accessible 3D platformer. Have fun with your 1980's version.

#53382 C&c 12th Anniversary! Download C&c Gold Free

Posted by Iendicis on 03 September 2007 - 07:57 PM in Game & Software Requests

View PostPotatoe, on Sep 1 2007, 12:25 PM, said:

I already have C&C the first decade. C&C is awesome though and well worth the download.
I've been playing through Red Alert 2, so I have a feeling that if I try this one it will hurt. I'm also wondering if there would be anyway to get rid of the useless stuff and make it not such a big download...1.2 GB is a little too big for me. I understand Far Cry, but not an old game that ran on Windows 95.

#53381 Ubisoft Giving Out Free Games!

Posted by Iendicis on 03 September 2007 - 07:54 PM in Forum Guidelines

Far Cry is halfway done for me (an excellent torrent from gameupdates.com) and I look forward to playing that one. I've been waiting for it for a while, now's my chance.

Do you need internet after installation, though? Are the ads saved locally?

#52962 How To Sharpen Up The Image Of Freeware?

Posted by Iendicis on 24 August 2007 - 03:08 AM in Suggestions & Comments

I'd write two reviews a day if they were actually put up on the site...

#52929 Bioshock!

Posted by Iendicis on 23 August 2007 - 05:18 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Free art book=cool. (worth downloading)
Me owning a 750 mhz Pentium III=not cool.


I'm going to go play Deus Ex and System Shock 2 again.

#52839 Battle Tanks

Posted by Iendicis on 22 August 2007 - 01:56 PM in Game & Software Requests

Yeah, I grabbed this game a little while ago. I think I took it off, but it was a lot of fun. :P

#52694 Top 5 "perfect" Songs

Posted by Iendicis on 18 August 2007 - 10:26 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

I'll drop mine for kicks.

National Treasure Soundtrack- The Chase (Dang, I love that song)
Pain of Salvation- Her Voices
Oasis- F-ing in the Bushes
The Protomen- Sons of Fate
Monc- Song 4 Human

Other mentions:

-Metal Gear Solid theme (the third game's remix)
-Nightwish- Ghost Love Score
-Lo Fidelity Allstars- "Warming up the Brain Farm" and "Battle Flag"
-Sunscreem- Exodus

#52692 Planescape Torment

Posted by Iendicis on 18 August 2007 - 10:17 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

I changed my mind, I decided not to respond to the post above me.

I had a very large rebuttal, but instead I opted to subscribe to the theory of intellectual osmosis.  As such, I must now cease conversation and move away before my intelligence begins to drop.

#52652 Planescape Torment

Posted by Iendicis on 17 August 2007 - 11:04 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

No, the writing got boring after the cute little Morte stuff at the beginning. The concept itself is laziness: I don't know what to call the character, let's not give him a name and make him this scary looking undead dude. Yeah, thanks for that.

Gameplay was too shallow for my tastes, but I'm waning off of RPG's anyway. It tried to be a tactical Diablo, and failed.

Fallout is okay. Much too slow, though.

#52532 Planescape Torment

Posted by Iendicis on 16 August 2007 - 02:47 AM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

I played this game and wasn't impressed. Kind of left me cold with the gameplay.

The writing was funny for like five minutes, though.

#52417 Alien Arena 2007

Posted by Iendicis on 14 August 2007 - 05:34 AM in Games on Reloaded

Whoa, a CEO.

I've never been a huge fan of Alien Arena, I have to admit, but my GOD it has the best graphics engine I have seen. Not because it's top of the line (which it is very close) but because it can look amazing on my piece of crap system. Very impressive and stable.

The only thing I don't agree with the main review is the weapons, which I feel are not quite as good at the excellent UT game (which I recently dug out and got into all over again). I also was a tiny bit sad after the assault mode, with a few wimpy vehicles...

Bah, not the time to game bash. A CEO is here.


If the dude is still here, I'd like to know what will be in 6.06.

#52255 Nethack

Posted by Iendicis on 07 August 2007 - 10:35 PM in Games on Reloaded

View PostRobsoie, on Aug 7 2007, 03:01 PM, said:

Is there a version of either nethack or slash'em cores that feature the same excellent mouse and menu driven interfaces found in falcon eye/vulture eye but does feature the top down tiles/ASCII view instead of the very annoying isometric view found in falcon or vulture ?
Try these.

I honestly thing, however, that the original is the best, bar none.

#52024 A Few New Games Worth Checking Out.

Posted by Iendicis on 30 July 2007 - 08:31 PM in Game & Software Requests

View PostBlood-Pigggy, on Jul 30 2007, 03:21 PM, said:

Yah, I've had it on my computer for awhile, it's a great game, although I dunno about it being anything like a roguelike.
That's how they described it on their site, so I just went with it. I can't get it to run at over 1 FPS, my computer sucks so damn bad.

Oh, and Arkoss just crashed my computer HORRIBLY (Windows has obtained a fatal error) so be forewarned.

#52023 How To Sharpen Up The Image Of Freeware?

Posted by Iendicis on 30 July 2007 - 08:29 PM in Suggestions & Comments

I still think that this entire idea is kind of boring, but I saw one little thing there...

The "Best of" games list. Abandonia DOS has one, why not us? And what would go on it? I'm thinking maybe ADOM, Wolfenstien, Tribes, Battle for Wesnoth, and a few more because I am lazy to think.

As for the rest, I'm still standing by my point that freeware is there, it just doesn't NEED to grow. The freeware scene will never be a big bustling community. It can't, because it isn't made that way. It will be primarily a bunch of people who know what they are talking about, and then a few lurkers who find good games to snack on in the middle of pirating Quake or something. For those who want it, it is there. For the rest...I think more people play freeware than we think. Look at download.com. Look at Gamespot and 1up's various download features. GFW has Freeplay, PC Gamer has their demo discs.

What am I saying? I am saying it again: Freeware is there, there is proof, there is people downloading the games. It's just not obvious, and it's not on this site. :shrug:

#52020 A Few New Games Worth Checking Out.

Posted by Iendicis on 30 July 2007 - 08:11 PM in Game & Software Requests

Wandering Knights

I found this one interesting (besides the fact that ran like a slide show on my computer), because the concept is pretty neat and huge for a freeware game. It's basically a big, non linear world meets Diablo, hack and slash a little like the older Elder Scrolls games. Randomly generated areas, Woot!


This one ain't on this site, and it better be soon. It's an FPS RTS Online hybrid. I love this game, though I've never played Natural Selection, so I have nothing to compare it to. I just like watching other teams play, ridiculously fun.

Arkoss: Main site; the only working download of the game

A Digipen project which is basically a Diablo clone. Except that unlike the dang Shadowflare games, this one is free, and worthy of your attention. Not amazing detail, but servicable for the gameplay.

X Ops

Some crappy little FPS that's got so many maps and stuff that it's worth a look. The game does remind me of Goldeneye a lot, and not just in the graphics.

Flight Commander

A Wing Commander knock off...and this one doesn't suck like WC! Full 3D, and you actually have a screen when you look out at the space...and it's not too small! Games these days get so advanced.

Knight of Knights (not the true main site, but it'll do)

Another Diablo clone, but it's a little more linear and has way cooler graphics (reminds me of Mega Man 64, but more like that Conquer Online game). Has echoes of Devil May Cry in there, too. (X and Z controls, as with most Japanese games.)

ABA Games: http://www.asahi-net...yu/index_e.html

Some brilliant shooters and stuff. My favorite is Torus Trooper, a delicious combination of F-Zero and...well, any good shooter. But ABA has all kinds of genius work.


#51986 Nethack

Posted by Iendicis on 30 July 2007 - 12:56 AM in Games on Reloaded

View PostBeefontheBone, on Jul 29 2007, 07:42 AM, said:

View PostIendicis, on Jul 26 2007, 02:53 PM, said:

Well, I played the Falcon's Eye version before that and that one didn't impress me much. :shrug:
What did Shania Twain make of it?
Posted Image

Well done, hahaha. Well done.

I think part of Nethack is it's text and graphics...or lack thereof.

(Below: It would just be you and your shoutbox, BP. Best forum ever.)