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There have been 32 items by Microprose Veteran (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#5810 Mr / Miss Ar

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 28 July 2005 - 04:59 PM in Forum Guidelines

A. J. Raffles, on Jul 28 2005, 06:49 AM, said:

That's funny: you actually resemble your avatar. (Minus the mask, obviously, but your chin looks very similar.)
Aw thank you, A.J.  :)

Attached Thumbnails

  • Night_Vision.jpg

#5771 Mr / Miss Ar

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 28 July 2005 - 12:58 AM in Forum Guidelines

This is me a year ago.  :)

Attached Thumbnails

  • Our_Great_Leader.jpg

#5546 London Blasts (again)

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 24 July 2005 - 11:10 AM in Forum Guidelines

PrejudiceSucks, on Jul 23 2005, 07:56 AM, said:

That's exactly what I said about some other stuff, don't start using my words for things that they're not.

I don't think that this is Psy-Ops because to be honest, it's not really for a purpose at all. It's just a police shooting.
1. It's not your word;

2. If this was a Psy-Ops it's aim is a) to instill fear into the public b.) to make the public getting used to (police) violence;

3. I'd like to know if the plain-clothes officers who shot the man, clearly made themselves known as police. If I were confronted by three thugs with guns, I'd panic and maybe run too;

4. Another aim of this shooting, if it was a Psy-Ops, would be to condition the public: if police approach you, don't panic. Raise your hands above your head so they can see them, get down on your knees and assume the position. We thank you for your cooperation, civilian. Innocent people have nothing to fear from police.

#5500 London Blasts (again)

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 23 July 2005 - 04:26 AM in Forum Guidelines

It's what paranoid freaks like me would call a 'Psy-Ops.'

We are being made to get used to scenes like this. In a few weeks or months, or next year, perhaps we'll say "Nothing happened today. Apart from some bloke getting shot dead by police."

Have a look at how law enforcement in America goes about its job in High Schools.  :)

#4591 The English Gentlemen's Club Reloaded

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 12 July 2005 - 09:20 PM in Forum Guidelines

That's too bad! When playing "Ghost Recon" the L85 is my favorite weapon because of its excellent sight. But it seems the sight is the only good thing about the rifle.

Also featured in the game is this crazy weapon.

I hope nothing bad happens to the user when a grenade jams or something. The M-16 in Ghost Recon is so-so, not spectacular but it does the job. No full auto feature though.

The M-4 seems a good choice, certainly in urban warfare conditions. And it has a full-auto feature. Too bad again, that in reality the M-4 doesn't seem to be working out quite that well. I've read they easily overheat and it's not possible to exchange parts between different M-4s! So if you need your gun repaired you have to rely on brand new parts coming from the States (if you're in Iraq).

Ah well. "Ghost Recon" still is an excellent game.

#4575 The English Gentlemen's Club Reloaded

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 12 July 2005 - 07:03 PM in Forum Guidelines

The British Army really could do with a better assault rifle.

Read and compare:


In general, the only good thing about the L85 is its SUSAT 4X telescope sight, which is quite good and allows for accurate shooting. Even regardless of all internal bugs, found in the L85A1 rifles, these rifles are somewhat heavy and clumsy by modern standards, with most of the weight located toward the butt, which does not help to control the muzzle climb during the automatic fire.

British L85


The FAMAS rifles seen some action during the operation "Desert Storm" in Kuwait in 1991, as well as in some peace-keeping operations in the mid and late 1990s, and proved itself as a reliable and trustworthy weapons.

French FAMAS

#4541 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 12 July 2005 - 02:15 AM in Forum Guidelines

Regarding the nuclear weapons program by the nazis in WW II:

the nazis were in fact more behind schedule than the allies originally thought. Don't know the specifics, but some may remember the nazis depended on 'heavy water' from a special factory in Norway. The allies trained and send a team of Norse SOE agents who blew up the factory. After the Germans had rebuilt the plant and had produced enough heavy water to ship back to Germany, the same SOE team planted a bomb and sank the ferry at the bottom of the fjord or lake (which was too deep for the Germans to salvage). All the heavy water was lost.

For their atomic project, the Americans did not rely on heavy water, which was a rather clumsy way to get the produce they needed. So even if the Germans had succeeded in shipping the heavy water to Germany, it is doubtful if they would have managed to make a working atomic bomb.

#4540 The English Gentlemen's Club Reloaded

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 12 July 2005 - 02:07 AM in Forum Guidelines

At least the Mary Rose saw much action before her sad demise.

Compare that to the Swedish Wasa.

Sank 20 minutes after being launched. It was topheavy because the Swedish king had insisted on addind a second row of cannon on both sides.

#4538 The English Gentlemen's Club Reloaded

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 11 July 2005 - 11:18 PM in Forum Guidelines

Uh... the French didn't sink the Mary Rose. They only claimed it after firing a couple of salvos from a distance and suddenly, the ship keels over and everybody on it drowns! All 500 of them.

It's a bit of a mystery why she sank so quickly. Some say they forgot to close the lower gun hatches when the ship turned and incoming water flooded the ship. This combined with an apparently ill-disciplined crew I believe could spell doom to such a ship.

Don't believe the French. If it happened during the Seven Years War then I might give them the benefit of the doubt, as their ships were much better at that time. Better than the British. But the British Navy had the advantage of numbers.

Quoting from that site:There are several versions of what happened on the 19th of July 1545. According to the French, at dawn their galleys took up the battle, trying to lure the English within range of their main fleet. The flat calm allowed them to pound the English ships with relative impunity. Suddenly, much to their delight the Mary Rose heeled over and sank. The French naturally believed they had sunk her.61

The Imperial ambassador, Van Der Delft, tells a rather different story. According to him, the French fleet appeared while the King was at dinner on the flagship. Henry went ashore and the English fleet was engaged by five galleys. He records that the Mary Rose sank towards evening, drowning all the 500 men aboard save about 25 or 30. Interestingly, he received a survivors account.

"Was told by a Fleming among the survivors that when she heeled over with the wind the water entered by the lowest row of gun ports which had been left open after firing."62

Sir Peter Carew, brother of Sir George Carew, newly appointed Vice Admiral in the Mary Rose, gave his biographer, John Hooker, another eyewitness account. He states that the Mary Rose began to heel as soon as the sails were raised. When their uncle, Sir Gawain Carew, sailed past and asked Sir George what the problem was, he answered that "he had the sort of knaves whom he could not rule". Hooker further tells us that

"this gentleman...had in his ship a hundred mariners, the worst of them being able to be a master in the best ship in the realm; and these so maligned and disdained one another, that refusing to do that which they should do, were careless to do that which was most needful and necessary, and so contending in envy, perished in forwardness".

#4493 Isn't It Ironic?

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 11:07 PM in Forum Guidelines

Perhaps the Bush family will show some conservative compassion and allow the judge supreme to stay at the White House for the next coupla weeks.

Then maybe Bush II will say, "look, I've got this mansion somewhere. It's nothing special, 10 servants only and one swimming pool... But at least you'll have a roof over your head."  :)

#4479 The English Gentlemen's Club Reloaded

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 07:50 PM in Forum Guidelines

Me thinks this topic may soon be doing a Mary Rose.

#4475 Isn't It Ironic?

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 06:54 PM in Forum Guidelines

I'm sure they will make an exception for the poor Supreme Judge.

Where is he gonna live if his property is to be seized? Poor man! :)

#4474 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 06:53 PM in Forum Guidelines

The major commercial media networks, as well as in the States as in Europe, are in the same hands. Like Rupert Murdoch.

Non-commercial (independent) news is PBS in America I think and several in Europe. The BBC is a prime example.

#4466 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 04:42 PM in Forum Guidelines

Like I said, instead of pointlessly discussing invading America,

let's go watch "Red Dawn" instead. That movie makes about as much sense as this discussion.

#4441 The English Gentlemen's Club Reloaded

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 01:45 AM in Forum Guidelines

What's this thread about, I hear someone ask?

Why, the immediate and total reinstating of The British Empire of course!

Rule the waves!

Edit: Wow, it seems this thread has changed direction a bit.

#4440 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 01:34 AM in Forum Guidelines

Triton, on Jul 10 2005, 01:23 AM, said:

Back on 9/12/01, world leaders had an attitude that could be expressed in the phrase "We are all Americans now."  Why can't it be the same now?
Well, America had almost universal support and goodwill at that moment in history.

Then something called "George W. Bush" happened.

Edit: Ur either with us or with the terrorists.

#4438 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 10 July 2005 - 01:18 AM in Forum Guidelines

Know what, let's quit this foolish business of invading America!

Let's watch Red Dawn instead!  :)

#4430 Rock You Like A Hurricane...

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 09 July 2005 - 10:29 PM in Forum Guidelines

Seems I was a bit hasty myself. :)

I mentioned hurricanes, Bangladesh and Indonesia (Tsunamis) in one line so it's no surprise you misunderstood me.

Sometimes I type almost as fast as I talk. ;)

#4423 Rock You Like A Hurricane...

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 09 July 2005 - 09:53 PM in Forum Guidelines

No, Tsunami's have nothing to with weather patterns.

I'm sorry, I was under the impression we were talking nature causing human problems/suffering.


By the by, it's my belief that every region has something like this they deal with, be it hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. I'm a bit curious what sort of natural disasters you guys are used to dealing with, if any.

Since you first mentioned them, I thought it was safe to mention Tsunamis in different countries causing devastation and loss of human life.


EDIT: regarding hurricanes, be glad you don't live in Bangla Desh or Indonesia (Tsunami).

And I know Indonesia does not suffer from hurricanes so here I was too hasty, my mistake. Btw, hurricanes are called typhoons in East-Asia.

#4419 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 09 July 2005 - 09:16 PM in Forum Guidelines

Military invasions are useless.

Look at the last 50 years. How many invasions were actually succesful? The Americans failed in Vietnam. The Russians failed in Afghanistan. Even WW II was over in 4-6 years (depending on which country you were in).

#4418 Rock You Like A Hurricane...

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 09 July 2005 - 09:10 PM in Forum Guidelines

In Holland we just have a lot of rain. Last couple of years the Summers have been unbearably hot though. We've had an early Summer this year. The heat has passed already. It's okay now.

Some parts of Holland suffer from floodings because of improved channeling of water in Germany (which is higher up-river) and because the climate seems to be changing.

EDIT: regarding hurricanes, be glad you don't live in Bangla Desh or Indonesia (Tsunami).

I've never been without power for more than 24 hours in Holland.

#4342 Ghosts?

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 09 July 2005 - 01:29 AM in Forum Guidelines

Hm, this reminds me of a similar topic in the Abandonia forum.

There I explained that anyone can see ghosts if they create the correct circumstances: late at night, open curtains, look at window in mirror untill you start to feel sleepy and you will guaranteedly see something... Though I don't believe in ghosts I never tried this because I read too many ghost stories in my early childhood so I'll never look at windows at night that have open curtains. And certainly not via a mirror.

The stories Puffin told were inspiring and chilling at once. I will believe those children saw and inter acted with some unknown force of nature. Perhaps those children are in reality paranormal or clairvoyant?

#4338 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 09 July 2005 - 12:18 AM in Forum Guidelines

Hm. I thought that Europe's golden age was long past. That America had taken over its position after WW II. I doubt that the next economic superpower will be Europe again.

At least, all the economic experts are raving about China and that that country will be the next economic superpower.

Or is it just a ruse to avert attention away from Europe? I know that European elite are as wealthy as ever and that European bankers have always played a big role. If that's the case, the peoples of Europe will not share much in the spoils I think.

#4331 The European Union

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 08 July 2005 - 11:47 PM in Forum Guidelines

What, you still got oil?

#4330 Afterafterlife

Posted by Microprose Veteran on 08 July 2005 - 11:46 PM in Forum Guidelines

My personal (different or other) view on the afterlife:

1) I don't know if there is an afterlife;

2) therefore I do not have enough information to know what happens if you die in the afterworld

3) If there is an afterlife, I presume it would be entirely spiritual: there are thoughts but no emotions, as emotions need a working bio-chemical contraption (a living body);

Wow, I'm starting to sound a bit like a computer...  :)