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There have been 69 items by BeefontheBone (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#70387 The Reloaded Pub

Posted by BeefontheBone on 09 March 2009 - 05:49 PM in Forum Guidelines

View PostNick, on Mar 7 2009, 11:54 PM, said:

If anyone with a gun comes in here, please alert me ahead of time...

*Wanders in carrying a violin case*

*Whistles nonchalantly*

#70335 The Reloaded Pub

Posted by BeefontheBone on 03 March 2009 - 06:33 PM in Forum Guidelines

*Is disappointed by the lack of vegetarian options on the menu*

Oh, and in reply to the first page, I don't think the Islay question was ever answered, but you sir have good taste in whisky. If it doesn't taste like it came straight out of a peat bog, I'm not interested ^_^

#69443 Happy Birthday, Beefontheraffles

Posted by BeefontheBone on 17 January 2009 - 02:01 AM in Forum Guidelines

Thanks, all!

#67184 Abandonia Apocalypse: Team Reloaded

Posted by BeefontheBone on 15 September 2008 - 08:41 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

Woo! Eat hot flaming death, alien dudes!

#67070 Ancient Domains Of Mystery

Posted by BeefontheBone on 11 September 2008 - 05:07 PM in Games on Reloaded

Or dual-boot Ubuntu or something. Not worth it just for ADoM, but not a bad idea in general ;)

Or, and I know I'm out on a limb here, play a different RL ;) If you want a recommendation, I'm pretty addicted to Crawl again at the minute.

#67026 Abandonia Apocalypse: Team Reloaded

Posted by BeefontheBone on 08 September 2008 - 08:51 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

When I saw the X-Com bundle on Steam the other day (it's like $13 - well worth it for the first two!) I got all nostalgic for Apocalypse. Count me in; no particular preference for character, preferably not an android, they lack personality (and acting ability).

#66022 What Is My Avatar Saying?

Posted by BeefontheBone on 13 August 2008 - 05:29 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

"Some people said my acting in Pirates of the Caribbean was a little wooden, but they stopped when I threatened to keel-haul them."

#65920 Spam / Bot Activity

Posted by BeefontheBone on 11 August 2008 - 05:53 PM in Important Announcements

As I'm sure most of you have noticed by now, we're getting an increasing amount of bot activity around here. I'd like to apologise for that (even though it's not my fault!) and ask everyone to be patient with us while we try to deal with it. I'd also like to extend my thanks to the moderators who've been helping us to remove the posts, especially Frodo who I know has been very frustrated with them.

In terms of improving things, we're discussing it - personally I'm not a fan of CAPTCHAs when registering (we have one - albeit a crappy one - already IIRC) for accessibility reasons (not that we're likely to get many blind users, but it's the principle of the thing - they're bad web design) so personally I'd like to avoid strengthening that. If anyone has any simple suggestions, I'd welcome them, but I can't promise anything since we've got nobody around with admin access to the forum functions, unfortunately, and the powers that be don't seem to be paying us any attention at present.

In the meantime, there are a couple of things everyone can do to help out:

Firstly, there's not much point in using the Report Post link to alert us to bots - we'll probably be aware of them as soon as we log on anyway; I for one have the forum as one of my homepages so I tend to be zapping them as soon as I'm online. Using the shoutbox or PMs to alert admins and mods who are online could sometimes be useful though.

Secondly, you can add "users" who post spam to your ignore list - click on their name to get to their profile (you don't even have to open the topic), and on the top right is a grey Profile Options button - clicking on it will give you a menu with an "Ignore User" button, so you don't have to sift through 11 pages of porn to get to the actual topics.

Thirdly, anyone (mod, admin, etc) with the ability to "Purge / Mass Move" topics on their Forum Options menu can chuck topics opened by the same member in the dustbin many at a time.

Again, thanks for your patience in this matter.


#64603 Ancient Domains Of Mystery

Posted by BeefontheBone on 14 July 2008 - 10:10 PM in Games on Reloaded

I've been playing a lot of Incursion lately; if anyone's missed it, it's an RL based on the D20 (Dungeons and Dragons, but you're not allowed to mention the trademarked bits!) system, and it crams an amazing amount of depth into what is basically a tiny fraction of the intended eventual product - great.
It's great to see work on JADE is progressing too, and the blog updates are interesting - the ambition is really inspiring, and it's dead interesting (to me at least) to see how he's tackling the coding of various things; it should be very extendable and much more stable than ADoM was.

#64523 Elona

Posted by BeefontheBone on 11 July 2008 - 04:57 PM in Game & Software Requests

Anyone who reviews is welcome to use the phrase "It's like Harvest Moon: Random Encounter" - I would.

#64190 You Closed Our Topic

Posted by BeefontheBone on 03 July 2008 - 05:42 PM in Forum Guidelines

More than enough, I'd say. This isn't SomethingAwful, you know.

#64107 If You Could Remake One Game...

Posted by BeefontheBone on 01 July 2008 - 05:03 PM in Forum Guidelines

Diggers. With an interface which didn't suck - that game could have been amazing.

#63976 Civilization Iv: Colonization

Posted by BeefontheBone on 28 June 2008 - 08:29 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Looking at the few screenshots, one of them features a colony building a "master trapper" or something like that, which suggests it's definitely not going to be the original Colonization mechanics at work here - probably closer to a Civ 4 TC than anything else. Off the top of my head, I'd expect that you'll be able to sacrifice that unit to build an encampment improvement in a tile, providing the city with access to furs. And I'd expect the corporations mechanics from BtS to be used to convert those furs into coats or other clothing like in the original, which will be more profitable. Either your cities will spawn units representing loads of cargo to be sold or traded periodically, or there'll be a mechanism for taking things from warehouses in cities to put on ships or in caravans. I'll be surprised if the statesmen aren't tied to the great people spawning, either with a single flavour of liberty bells (GPP) for all of them or with a couple of different types of statesman available.

#63930 Civilization Iv: Colonization

Posted by BeefontheBone on 27 June 2008 - 09:45 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

Vaguely excited, I think :whistle:

Col was my favourite (except maybe SMAC) until Civ 4 came along, but they did do a number of things wrong there. It'll be interesting to see where they go with this - certainly if anyone had actually gotten round to producing a Colonisation mod for it instead of just talking about it I'dve downloaded it in an instant, so I'm hoping they don't disappoint on this. The second expansion for Civ 4 was pretty damn good all told, even if the first was a bit rubbish, and they've had plenty of time to think about it so with any luck they should be able to produce something decent.

#63833 Spore

Posted by BeefontheBone on 24 June 2008 - 07:53 PM in Your Favorite Games & Commercial Software

All hail Cthulhu!

Did anyone listen to the PCG (UK) podcast this month? They seem to have had a great time with the creature editor :whistle:

Can we stop arguing about whether it's worth the $10 (or $5)? Some people, mainly those who have, you know, tried it, seem to think so, the rest of us either haven't gotten round to it or are waiting to see what Will Wright actually produces in terms of a game before we get excited about it.

#63202 Music Festivals

Posted by BeefontheBone on 09 June 2008 - 05:56 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

Justice, Goldfrapp, Hot Chip and CSS? *is jealous*

#62998 Looknig For A Game Like This

Posted by BeefontheBone on 02 June 2008 - 06:28 PM in Forum Guidelines

You mean Brain Training? Try googling "Brain Training" freeware:


#62249 Word Association Game

Posted by BeefontheBone on 15 May 2008 - 06:32 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing


regarding loud/colour - synaesthesia, perhaps?

#62173 Misheard Lyrics

Posted by BeefontheBone on 13 May 2008 - 05:26 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

I forget the "artist" - but you did well to avoid it!

#62133 Word Association Game

Posted by BeefontheBone on 12 May 2008 - 05:14 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing


#62081 Word Association Game

Posted by BeefontheBone on 11 May 2008 - 02:38 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing


#61974 Word Association Game

Posted by BeefontheBone on 09 May 2008 - 05:21 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing


Petrol. (Or, more accurately, "petril").

#61973 The Yes \ No Game

Posted by BeefontheBone on 09 May 2008 - 05:01 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

Like the football pitch and the double-decker bus, you mean? :ok:

There was a whole series of letters sent to the New Scientist's Feedback pages on the subject last year with some really funny examples.

EDIT: Good old Wikipedia :P

#61972 Misheard Lyrics

Posted by BeefontheBone on 09 May 2008 - 04:59 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

...which was presumably wiped clean away by that godawful Eurodance cover of it from a couple of years ago.

#61792 Name That Film!

Posted by BeefontheBone on 06 May 2008 - 05:12 PM in Community Contests, Games, and Role Playing

I reckon he just mean's he's got an odd third bum. Makes me wonder what's NOT odd about the second one :ok: